DEX Deep Dive: Digitex Futures Exchange Explained

Shorupan Pirakaspathy
5 min readJun 3, 2019


In the midst of one of the biggest market slumps crypto’s seen for a long time, there are still the occasional good news stories to share. While the bear market is no fun for investors playing the long game, it’s a time that allows legitimate blockchain companies to get the hard work done and scale-up for mass adoption.

How Digitex Futures is unique?

There’s a considerable amount to get amped up for when considering this specific blockchain venture. No, it’s not simply one more trade. It’s not in any case simply one more futures trade (in spite of the fact that the market is woefully needing one). Current crypto futures exchanges include CME, BitMEX, and OKEx. None of them offer commission exchanging, a single tick exchanging interface or decentralized account balances.

Digitex markets allow brokers to exchange costs without the high costs and risks of trading, securing and forking over the required assets for the genuine principal instrument on whose value they are exchanging. Notwithstanding whether on soybeans, gold, government securities or Bitcoins, markets are a beneficial budgetary device for empowering worth trading by decreasing disintegration and costs. Regardless, disregarding lower costs, trade costs are so far tremendous on high volume, low in general income trading frameworks. They go about like an enormous break on the potential liquidity of grandstands by changing over scarcely profitable procedures into losing methods after commissions.

Exchange costs are discarded on the Digitex Futures Exchange by making an Ethereum based token, called the DGTX token, and using it as the local money of the exchange. All advantages, disasters, edge necessities and record modify are assigned in DGTX tokens, suggesting that traders ought to have DGTX tokens to partake in the sans commission, trustless markets on Digitex. This makes interest for DGTX tokens from sellers, enabling the exchange to supersede pay age from trade charges by making and offering a couple of new DGTX tokens consistently. As opposed to rebuffing dynamic merchants for giving liquidity, this new out of the plastic new salary exhibit powers a little inflationary expense on each token holder on the understanding that without commission and liquid markets will make interest for the DGTX token from facilitates that is more unmistakable than the inflationary expense of financing the exchange.

Digitex System

Another lift to liquidity will start from the trustless thought of the Digitex Futures Exchange. Not at all like various prospects exchanges, sellers on Digitex will have the ability to trade without confiding in the exchange with their money. Record modifies are held by a decentralized, self-governing smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, not by the exchange. The exchange teaches the record to modify a smart contract of a seller’s uncommon edge liabilities and trading benefits/incidents, thusly keeping awake with the most recent, yet the exchange does not have physical ownership for resources and at no time does the exchange hold anyone’s private keys.

At the center of the Digitex Futures Exchange is its convention token, the DGTX token. To buy or offer contracts on the exchange a trader must have an edge modify of DGTX sufficient to cover his potential setbacks because the tick estimation of each Digitex contract is 1 DGTX token, suggesting that all advantages and mishaps are named in DGTX tokens. As trading volumes and liquidity increase on the Digitex prospects features the interest for DGTX by brokers will likewise increase.

The Native DGTX Token

The owner of DGTX tokens can participate in the buying and offering of liquid contracts on the expense of Bitcoin against the US Dollar, Ethereum against the US Dollar and Litecoin against the US Dollar without getting any trade charges on their trades. In the occasion that a comparable dealer buys and offers equivalent contracts on some other exchange will cause commission costs. These commission costs can be noteworthy for amazingly powerful, at this very moment shippers. In this way, the more powerful the trader, the more imperative the inherent estimation of DGTX to that vendor in light of the fact that each time somebody buys or offers a Digitex contract they are saving themselves from paying a commission. A high volume, low in general income trading method that loses money on one another spot and exchange as a result of commissions is changed over into an advantageous framework when done on The Digitex Futures Exchange.

DGTX Cryptocurrency Summary

Digitex Futures Exchange is a cryptographic money futures exchanging business sectors like BitMEX that lets clients put down theoretical wagers on the future cost of crypto tokens and different resources. These futures trades are rivaling both digital money trades giving subsidiaries choices and inheritance subsidiary markets that help BTC futures exchanging. The accomplishment of Digitex relies on these key variables:

The DGTX token is the native ERC-223 cryptocurrency token utilized on the Digitex stage. Prospects terms are put away in Ethereum-based keen contracts.

Digitex offers zero-cost exchanging, however, both long purchasers and short merchants of cryptographic money subordinates are making high-chance speculation.

Shorting digital currency is a wagered that the value will crash. Long purchasing is a wagered that the esteem will keep going up. Futures can be sold anytime before the expiry date.

As of March 29, 2019, the circling supply of Digitex was 737,500,000 out of 1,000,000,000 DGTX. Its peak cost so far was $0.147011 on October 19, 2018. The Digitex Futures Exchange ICO token deal happened from Jan 15, 2018, through February 15, 2018. As of now, 700,000,000 DGTX was sold, raising $5,200,000 worth of ETH, BTC, LTC, and USD. Another 6,000,000 DGTX is being airdropped through a Digitex early access shortlist and referral program paving the way to the foreseen Q4 2018 dispatch, which was later deferred to April 30, 2019. Joining the early access program gives you 1000 DGTX upon dispatch. The rest of the supply is held by the establishment and development group. New tokens will be made and sold through token issuance occasions affirmed by the system’s Decentralized Governance by Blockchain.

DGTX can likewise be purchased on Mercatox and HitBTC digital currency trades. Over $300,000 worth of DGTX is exchanged once a day on these business sectors, and its exchanging sets are BTC, ETH, and USDT. As an ERC-223 token, DGTX can be put away in any ERC223-perfect tomb. Is Digitex the Future of Cryptocurrency Exchange?

With these pieces set up, Digitex Futures Exchange needs to depend on giving quick exchanges and huge payouts to the vocal minority with the hazard avoidance important to bet on what’s to come. There’s cash to be made, later on. However, there’s the same amount to be lost. Which side of things to come would you say you are on?



Shorupan Pirakaspathy

Shorupan is a sought after subject matter specialist for enterprise-level blockchain integration. With a background in structured portfolio management.