How to Read Dataset from GitHub and Save it using Pandas

To display how easily and convenient to read a dataset from GitHub into Pandas DataFrame and save it in local computer.

Dr. Shouke Wei
5 min readNov 7, 2022

GitHub is a good source of data, and I usually store my projects and datasets in GitHub. In this article, I display how easily and convenient to read a dataset from GitHub into Pandas DataFrame and save it as a .CSV file in your computer. In this example, it uses the Jupyter note besides Pandas. You can use JupyterLab or any other Python IDE.

From this article, I will start to write a continuous series on data analysis using one real-world dataset, and this series includes at least the following parts:



Dr. Shouke Wei

Professor and Scientist in data analysis and modelling, machine learnig, and computer vision. Support my writing: