How to Exercise for a Sprained Neck

jiang yan
3 min readJan 21, 2024


A sprained neck, also known as a cervical sprain or neck strain, occurs when the ligaments and muscles in the neck are suddenly stretched beyond their limits, usually from sudden movements or trauma. This causes pain, muscle spasms, stiffness, and reduced range of motion in the neck.

While rest is important initially, gentle exercises can help strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility, and speed up recovery. However, it’s important not to start any new exercises until cleared by your doctor. Here are some safe exercises you can try once the initial pain has subsided:

Ice Packs

Applying ice packs to the injured area can help reduce pain and swelling in the first 2–3 days after injury. Use an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel for 10–15 minutes a few times a day. Never place ice directly on the skin as it can cause frostbite.

Neck Stretches

Start with simple neck stretches to improve mobility without overstraining the injury. Tilt your head slowly to each side so your ear moves towards your shoulder. Hold for 5 counts, then return to center. Repeat on the other side. Also try gently rolling your shoulders forward and backward in a circular motion.

Chin Tucks

Sit upright and draw your chin back so it tucks into your neck, creating a double chin. Hold for 5 counts then relax. Repeat 5–10 times. This strengthens the deep neck flexor muscles. Avoid tilting your head backwards during recovery.

Shoulder Rolls

Start with shoulders relaxed. Slowly roll them up towards your ears then down and back in a circular motion. Repeat 5 times clockwise and counter-clockwise. This gently mobilizes the upper back muscles.

Isometric Exercises

These exercises engage the neck muscles without moving the head. Sit upright and place your hand on your forehead. Gently nod your head forward while resisting the motion with your hand for 5–10 seconds. Relax and repeat 5 times. Do the same exercise while turning your head sideways and resisting with your hand.

Wall Slides

Stand with your back against a wall. Walk your feet forward a bit until your knees are slightly bent. While engaging your core, slowly slide your back up the wall until you feel a gentle stretch in your neck. Hold for 20–30 seconds then return to start position. Do 2–3 sets.

Shoulder Shrugs

Lift your shoulders up towards your ears, hold for 3 counts, then relax down. Do 2–3 sets of 10–15 repetitions. This strengthens the upper trapezius muscles. Avoid over-tilting your neck backwards.

Child’s Pose

From all fours, sit your hips back towards your heels and let your chest sink towards the floor. Reach your arms forward fully extended. Hold for 30 seconds, focusing on taking deep breaths. Child’s pose provides a nice neck and upper back stretch.

Chin Tucks Against Resistance

Wrap resistance bands or a hand towel around your head, under your chin. Sit upright and tuck your chin down against the resistance, hold 3 seconds then relax. Do 10–15 reps. Start with light resistance and gradually increase over time.

Upper Back Foam Roll

Lie on your back with a foam roller under your upper back. Clasp your hands behind your head. Bend knees if needed. Slowly roll back and forth from your mid to upper back. Apply pressure to tight spots for 10–20 seconds. Do 2–3 times per week.

When starting any new exercise after injury, listen to your body. Any movement that significantly worsens your pain should be avoided. Start gradually with just a few repetitions and light pressure. Take breaks as needed between sets. Proper recovery time and consistency with your rehabilitation exercises will help you bounce back from a sprained neck. Just be sure to check with your doctor before resuming any strenuous activities.

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