7 Exciting and Easy Science Experiments for Kids

8 min readFeb 16, 2024


Remember the joy and wonder of discovering the world around you as a child? The thrill of experimentation and the excitement of learning something new? Well, now you can pass that same sense of awe and discovery onto the next generation with these fun and educational science experiments for kids.

From building baking soda rockets that soar into the sky to creating color-changing potions that seem straight out of a wizard’s lab, these hands-on experiments will capture your child’s imagination and ignite their interest in science. They are not just simple activities; they are opportunities for STEM learning, creativity, and exploration.

Imagine the look of wonder on your child’s face as they witness the chemical reaction that propels their homemade rocket high into the air. Picture their excitement as they watch the colors dissolve from Skittles and create a mesmerizing rainbow in a plate of water.

But it’s not just about the wow factor. These experiments are designed to be easy and accessible, using everyday materials that you can find in your home. You don’t need to be a scientist or have a fancy lab to enjoy the wonders of science. With these DIY science projects, you can create your own little laboratory right at your kitchen table.

So, whether you’re looking for entertaining science activities to do on a rainy day or you want to supplement your child’s education with hands-on experiments, these simple science experiments will provide endless hours of fun and learning.

Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery with your child as you dive into the world of science together. Let’s explore the infinite possibilities and magic of science with these exciting experiments that will leave your child wanting more!

Suggested Reading: Easy and Fun DIY Crafts for Kids of All Ages

Baking Soda Rocket

The baking soda rocket is a classic and exciting science experiment that combines fun with education. With just a few simple ingredients, kids can create their own DIY rocket and learn about chemical reactions in the process.

To conduct the experiment, you’ll need baking soda, vinegar, a plastic bottle, a cork or balloon, and a launch pad made from a sturdy object like a wooden block or a box. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Fill the plastic bottle about one-third full with vinegar.
  2. Create a small pocket with tissue paper or paper towel and place 1–2 tablespoons of baking soda inside.
  3. Quickly attach the cork or balloon to the mouth of the bottle to seal it.
  4. Place the bottle on the launch pad, making sure it’s stable.
  5. Tilt the bottle to allow the baking soda to mix with the vinegar.
  6. Step back and watch as the chemical reaction produces gas and propels the rocket into the air!

This experiment can be done in two parts, allowing kids to experiment with different amounts of baking soda and vinegar to find the best rocket fuel. Encourage them to record their observations, such as the height and distance the rocket travels, as they make adjustments to the ingredients.

Not only is the baking soda rocket a blast to launch, but it also teaches kids about the power of chemical reactions and the principles of propulsion. It’s a fantastic hands-on activity that sparks curiosity and encourages scientific inquiry.

Next, let’s move on to another exciting science experiment-the Skittles in Water. In this colorful activity, kids will explore candy chromatography and witness the magic of color mixing and dissolution.

Skittles in Water

The Skittles in water experiment is a colorful and mesmerizing activity that demonstrates the process of dissolution. By pouring water over Skittles on a plate, you can watch as the colors dissolve from the candy into the water. It’s a fantastic way to explore the concept of solubility and observe the effect of water on different substances.

To conduct this experiment, gather the following materials:

  • Skittles candy in various colors
  • A plate or shallow dish
  • Water

Here’s how you can perform the Skittles in water experiment:

  1. Arrange the Skittles in a circle on the plate, separating the colors.
  2. Pour enough water onto the plate to cover the Skittles.
  3. Observe as the colors from the Skittles dissolve and mix with the water.
  4. You can also experiment with using different temperatures of water or other types of candy to see how it affects the dissolution process.

Suggested Reading: Educational Outdoor Activities For Kids Of All Ages

Candy Chromatography

The Skittles in water experiment can also lead to another exciting activity called candy chromatography. After the Skittles have dissolved, you can use the leftover liquid to separate the different dyes present in the candy.

To perform candy chromatography, you will need:

  • Coffee filter paper
  • A glass or jar
  • The liquid from the Skittles in water experiment

Here’s how you can conduct candy chromatography:

  1. Cut a strip of coffee filter paper.
  2. Dip one end of the strip into the liquid from the Skittles in water experiment.
  3. Place the other end of the strip into a glass or jar, ensuring that the strip is suspended and the end does not touch the liquid.
  4. Wait for several hours, or overnight, as the liquid travels up the strip, separating the different dyes in the candy.
  5. Observe the colorful patterns that appear on the filter paper as the dyes separate.

This experiment allows you to explore the concept of chromatography and learn about the different components that make up the colors in the candy. It’s a fun and educational way to delve into the world of chemistry!

This table shows the color that each Skittle will dissolve into when performing the Skittles in water experiment. It can help you observe and compare the colors as they dissolve in the water.

Enjoy the vibrant and captivating Skittles in water experiment, and take it a step further with candy chromatography to explore the fascinating world of color mixing and dissolution!

Colour Changing Potions

Experience the magic of color-changing potions with this exciting science experiment. By using a red cabbage indicator, kids can create a potion that transforms its color based on the pH level. This experiment is not only visually captivating but also teaches children about chemical reactions and the concept of acidity and alkalinity.

The Science Behind Color Changing Potions

Color changing potions rely on the red cabbage indicator, a natural pH indicator that changes color depending on the pH level of a solution. The red cabbage contains pigments called anthocyanins, which have different colors under different pH conditions. When combined with baking soda or vinegar, the red cabbage indicator undergoes a chemical reaction that causes a color change.

How to Create Color Changing Potions

  1. Prepare the red cabbage indicator by blending red cabbage with water and straining the liquid.
  2. In separate containers, mix the red cabbage indicator with baking soda and vinegar.
  3. Observe and record the color changes that occur when the two substances react.
  4. Experiment with different ratios of red cabbage indicator, baking soda, and vinegar to create different colors.

Red Cabbage Indicator Color Chart

Candy Chromatography

Discover the marvelous world of candy chromatography, a captivating science investigation that unravels the secrets of dyes found in candy. With just a few simple materials like non-washable felt-tip pens, filter paper, and water, your kids can embark on a colorful experiment that demonstrates the separation of dyes.

To start, gather some candy of different colors and select a few non-washable felt-tip pens in corresponding hues. You’ll also need filter paper strips and water. Begin by drawing a small dot of ink from each pen on separate strips of filter paper. Next, place a small piece of each candy on separate filter paper strips. Make sure the dots of ink and candy pieces are positioned above water, without touching it.

Now, carefully pour water into a cup or bowl, ensuring the level doesn’t reach the dots of ink or candy. Observe as the water is drawn up the filter paper, carrying the dyes with it. You’ll witness a mesmerizing display of colors as the dyes separate and travel up the filter paper at different rates. This phenomenon occurs due to the varying solubilities and molecular sizes of the dyes present in the candy.

You can also explore a fun twist on this experiment by using the candy itself for chromatography. Simply place a piece of candy on a filter paper strip and add a few drops of water on top. Watch as the candy colors separate and percolate up the filter paper, revealing the individual dyes within.

Encourage your kids to make observations and record their findings in a notebook or create a data table to document the order of dye separation and the colors they observe. This hands-on activity not only sparks curiosity but also teaches valuable lessons about scientific investigation, separation techniques, and the properties of different dyes.

Unlock the vibrant world of candy chromatography and empower your child with the knowledge and excitement of scientific exploration. They’ll be delighted by the magical transformation of colors and gain a deeper understanding of the separation of dyes. Through this engaging experiment, they can unleash their creativity and curiosity while building a strong foundation in the wonders of science.

Rube Goldberg Machine

A Rube Goldberg machine is a fascinating engineering challenge that encourages creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. It is a STEM activity that utilizes the principle of a chain reaction to achieve a specific end goal.

With a Rube Goldberg machine, kids can design and construct a complex series of interconnected steps, where each step triggers the next, leading to the desired outcome. This can involve a variety of everyday objects and materials, such as dominoes, ramps, pulleys, and marbles. The possibilities are endless!

Building a Rube Goldberg machine is both an entertaining and educational experience. It requires careful planning, experimentation, and troubleshooting to ensure that the chain reaction flows smoothly and achieves the intended result.

Not only does this activity teach kids about engineering principles, but it also fosters teamwork and collaboration when designing and constructing the machine with friends or family members.

By designing their own Rube Goldberg machines, kids can explore the principles of physics, cause and effect, and mechanical engineering in a hands-on and engaging way. It’s an exciting and rewarding STEM activity that sparks the imagination and inspires a love for science and engineering.


Discover the fascinating properties of Oobleck, a non-Newtonian liquid made from the simple combination of cornstarch and water. This easy experiment allows kids to explore the unique behavior of this substance, which acts like a solid when pressure is applied and transforms into a liquid when that pressure is released.

By squishing and playing with Oobleck, children can witness firsthand the concept of viscosity and the distinct characteristics of solid and liquid states of matter. This hands-on activity encourages tactile exploration and scientific observation, providing an engaging learning experience.

Through the cornstarch and water experiment, kids can delve into the properties of materials in a playful way. They can experiment with different ratios of cornstarch and water to observe how it affects the consistency of the Oobleck. This experiment sparks curiosity and introduces core scientific concepts in a fun, interactive manner.

Originally published at https://shoutasap.com on February 16, 2024.




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