How I got to doing 10 + Pullups

Damon Mildenhall
3 min readOct 14, 2023


Photo by Gordon Cowie on Unsplash

You can to & here is how.

According to Stats 68.3% cannot do one clean pullup.

What is a clean pullup.

A clean pullup is starting from THE DEAD HANG position pulling yourself up chin over bar slowly lower yourself down back to that position rinse and repeat. This is full range.

How many can you do?

If you can do at least one congrats keep going, do them whenever you can it will get better. I suggest getting a home pullup bar a doorway one or any other sort.

A home doorway pullup bar will set you back $20 it maybe the best $20 you have spent in years matter of fact say it will be.

Practice makes Epic.

If you are yet to do 1 that is ok, I have a few ways through my own journey that may be able to help you.

>Make use of Resistance bands

It depends on your weight, but I used a Lite band to help me. I went down to the park when I could find some bars.

Every standard local park has bars that you can practice on. The band will act as a spring, so you get the range but with band assistance rather than needing to pull your bodyweight up freely. You can even take this band to the gym & do the same thing.

>Most gyms have the mechanism for pullup assistance.

Where you kneel on the fold out legless stool and pull yourself up. This gives you the pullup motion but with again with assistance. If you add weight like I did start off low but gradually get to your bodyweight. Then you are basically doing a pullup sure it will be hard at first, but it is steps closer to a free-range pullup.

>Strengthen your back with exercises such as Lat pulldowns, Rows, Deadlift having a strong back will increase your ability to do a pullup. I suggest The Chest Supported row & The Seated Cable row these 2 helped me big time don't forget full range.

Start low weight concentrate on the form & technique even if you use no weight.

>Chair assistance

This is something first started with use a chair or stool or stable box put it in front of you but just so you still have enough to be able to use it for assistance to pull yourself up to the bar.

But you don't want to use the chair when you are at the top of the bar or to lower yourself down. Otherwise, you may as well just stand on the chair and pull yourself up and down. The chair is Assistance as the struggle for most is to pull themselves up.

I am confident if you do these exercises, you will be doing a pullup before you know it then once you can do one you can do 2 and so on.

Once I was doing 1 pullup I just kept going whenever I had the chance to do a pullup gradually my reps increased. Sounds simple keep doing and good things happen but that is exactly what it is.

Pullups will do great things to your back and your upper body in general especially if you do them everyday. I still do as many as i can everyday despite many say you should not do that.

I mean it is doing great things for me and it can for you to.

There it is I hope that this can help you in some way with your pullup journey.

Please let me know if it does & anything else that you have done to help with your pullups or increase your reps.

Thankyou for all the support.




Damon Mildenhall

Hi I'm Damo joined this community to share my thoughts and value.