How long are you going to beat that dead horse with that AR15?

Fred Showker
4 min readMay 30, 2018

It really is remarkable the way people in social media think. I was reading an article by Jon Stokes, the founder of Ars Technica titled “Why I need an AR15.” It’s a very informative article, and I not only enjoyed it, I was glad it was written. I’m not a gun advocate, I’m not a member of the NRA and I don’t own a functioning gun.

Then I dropped to the comments people posted to his article and began reading some of the most awful crap I’ve ever read. It’s difficult to believe people are really that vile.

Nobody / everybody needs an AR15?

This is an argument you cannot win. If you are pro guns, you cannot win. If you are anti guns, you cannot win. If you are anti NRA, you cannot win. Period. So all these people are beating this dead horse hoping for I don’t know what . . . a ride?

I had a friend post a meme to Facebook that announced in big type that the NRA kills children. Really? REALLY? Is that not one of the most stupid things you’ve ever heard? Can you believe that meme was shared by an educated adult with a college education, children and a successful life. I can understand who created it, with all the Russian trolls still in operation, but sharing? Really?

First, the NRA cannot do anything. Period. It’s a piece of paper. Why are people so stupid when it comes to emotional issues on social media?

Why don’t the parent fix what the goverment won’t?

WHOA … Oh NO, did he really say that ???? What an a**-ho*e !!! I can hear all the commenters now. Whose fault is it? They sent their kids to that school without even a whimper of school security. The community built the schools. Nobody even suggested that remote-lock, dual vestibules, metal detection and bullet-proof glass would have saved all those lives. Boom. No casualties.

Nobody suggested that it’s been twenty years (actually a lot more) since the first school shooting — that they’ve had lots of time to fix it.

Why is it that people, so short sighted, think the government is going to fix it? Why are they blind to the fact that gun control is a no-win, dead horse. If the legislators and politicians could have fixed it, don’t you think they would have by now? Dream on. And with 5 million assault weapons on the streets today, do you think legislation will prevent the next dirt-bag, crazy from getting hands on one? You’re delirious, or else you’ve been brainwashed by the liberal agenda.

School shootings started in 1764. You’ve had lots of time to prepare.

I don’t know what the solution is. But I do know that dead horse ain’t gonna get up and carry you another step.

So let me have it … comment and convince me of ONE GOOD REASON WHY those parents shouldn’t have protected their children. Give me ONE GOOD JUSTIFICATION on how legislation is going to prevent any more killings. Then, tell me why everyone hurls past the 65 mph limit signs doing 80.

Help is NOT on its way

Get on with it. Get over it. Protect your children and quite making excuses and thinking the government will do it for you. They won’t. Help will not be coming. Make two easy phone calls. You’ll need a good engineer, and you’ll need a good fund raiser.

“It’s for the kids

Just one more opinion enters the frey … thanks for reading!

60-second Windows ~ Design & Publishing Center

Jon Stokes wrote :

So the “defensive rifle” (as opposed to the “assault rifle”) is a nonsense idea that exists only in the minds of people who know nothing about guns. This being the case, you can’t fault gun owners for not buying or building such a weapon, because that is not a real thing and never will be. An assault rifle is a defense rifle, and a defense rifle is an assault rifle; these two concepts are identical — such is the very nature of armed combat, in which one person is trying to prevent himself from being killed by killing the other guy first. Anyone who “needs” a defense rifle “needs” an assault rifle, because they are the same.*****

I recommend you read his article at :

I really enjoyed the image Jon used, but I don’t dare use it here for fear of some Kook suing me for copyright infringements. . . .*Q1AP2iktMQvJAZW7-4I_HQ.jpeg

Columbine was NOT the first April 20, 1999 Littleton, Colorado

School shootings started in 1764. You’ve had lots of time to prepare.



Fred Showker

Design, Typography & Graphics Magazine and 60-Seconds exploring technology since 1987