Viral Hoax : 25 Friends on Facebook

Fred Showker
2 min readAug 5, 2018


Don’t you get tired of those stupid hoaxes that float around Facebook every few months. I sure do. Isn’t it enough to have so much click-bait and fake news, without adding to the misery?

Maybe you saw this ‘copy-n-paste’ hoax about your 25 friends, and how to ‘fake’ Facebook’s algorithm into showing you more of your friend’s posts.
> Therefore, I ask you a favor:
> if you read this message leave me a
> quick comment, a “hello”, a sticker,
> whatever you want, so you will
> appear in my news feed.
> Don’t just “Like”, Facebook requires
> a “Comment”. Even one word! Thanks!!!

You may have seen it in November of 2017, or you may have seen it in March 2018, or just recently, like July to now. It cireulates every few months, so please, just don’t do it. Before you ‘copy-n-paste’ this one on your own feed,

>>> Stroll over to Snopes and read up on it.

or … visit this article where the Washington Post claims this is what Facebook says

Stay safe, my friend.

Fred Showker : 60-Second Windows, DT&G, DTG Magazine, Safenetting, UGNN
Friends don’t let friends copy and paste memes!



Fred Showker

Design, Typography & Graphics Magazine and 60-Seconds exploring technology since 1987