ShowMeta Testnet Mining Instructions

5 min readNov 19, 2022


Since the official launch of ShowMeta Testnet Mining, we have received a lot of support from everyone who can’t wait to participate in mining enthusiastically. Meanwhile, many members of the community have raised some questions, and in response to these popular issues, ShowMeta has made some explanations and instructions.

What Materials Can We Mine?

There are three scenes in ShowMeta: Crystal scene, Spices scene and Energy scene corresponding to the output of the objects: Crystal, Spices, and Energy, any two combinations can mint a $SHOW, minting mechanism can play a dynamic adjustment of the three elements of the mining balance, but also guarantee a stable income for the user.

Output Calculation

Total output from mining: 21,000,000 $SHOW.

Total output of the three base materials: 42,000,000

Maximum output of $SHOW daily: 7,200

The initial single-day production is 10% of the maximum total production, or 1,440 base elements. For each new collection point, the total single-day production will be increased by 10% of the maximum total production, and three collection points will be opened first when the official mainnet launches. The total single-day production is 40% of the maximum total production, with a total single-day production of 5,760 root value items.

Each collection point can hold up to 1,000 miners and every additional 1,000 active users will automatically add a new collection point, with the addition of a new collection point triggering a 10% increase in production.

The maximum production in a single day is increased to a maximum of 100% at 14,400.

Initial Protection Mechanism

All equipment synthesised within 180 days of ShowMeta Mainnet Launch enjoys this mechanism. In order to prevent users from being underpaid, all equipment synthesised within this time period comes with a compensation attribute that is valid for 180 days, calculated from the time the equipment is successfully synthesised.

If the user is unable to recover the cost of synthesis through collection within 180 days, the compensation mechanism will take effect immediately and will be calculated on a per block basis, with the compensation value being based on the 180-day recovery of the cost of synthesis.

X: Synthesis Cost

Y: Actual Collection Revenue

S: Working Time

Z: Number of Blocks Produced in a Single Day

P: Amount of Compensation

Unit: Day

Compensation Calculation Formula:

Value Exchange

1. Basic materials to synthesize $SHOW (ratio: 1:1:1)

1 Crystal + 1 Energy = 1 SHOW

1 Crystal + 1 Spice = 1 SHOW

1 Energy + 1 Spice = 1 SHOW

2. Produce + $SHOW to synthesize equipment

3. The ShowMeta platform allows you to sell and buy three types of base materials and NFT assets

Claim Your Revenue

The revenue mined in the game can be claimed at any time on the ShowMeta platform, with the following steps:

Pick-up Records lists the player’s most recent mining history and claim status. You can also find the access to your earnings in the “Account Statement” section of the Personal Centre.

How to View Revenue

Earnings are divided into two types, the first is mining earnings, which are claimed and recorded as described above.

The second type is SSR and SR earnings, which are available in the Personal Centre. Players with SSR or SR will see the following module in their personal centre.

When earnings are available, you can collect them directly by clicking the button.


1. Players can mine three basic materials in Testnet, which are Crystal, Energy and Spices.

2. Users cannot mint $SHOW in Testnet.

3. When the official Mainnet launches, the ShowMeta team will airdrop 200,000 $SHOW. The airdrop is based on how much $SHOW can be minted in proportion to the three basic materials mined by players in Testnet.

For example:

N: The number of $SHOW that can be minted from the three base materials collected by a player during the Testnet

M: Total number of $SHOW produced during the Testnet

S: Total number of airdrops

Number of airdrops obtained by an individual = S * (N / M)

4. The $SHOW minting function will be online when the Mainnet officially launches.

The ratio for minting a $SHOW with the base material is the same for the Testnet as for the Mainnet (minting ratio: 1 : 1 : 1) as follows:

1 Crystal + 1 Energy => 1 SHOW

1 Crystal + 1 Spice => 1 SHOW

1 Spice + 1 Energy => 1 SHOW

5. During the Testnet, synthesis equipment is closed. You can only synthesize equipment after the Mainnet is live.

If you have any other questions, please contact our Discord or Telegram administrators directly and they are always available to answer your questions.

Thank you for your support!

About ShowMeta

ShowMeta is a Web3 gaming platform that connects players to their favorite Web3 games and Metaverses. As an App, we empower our community to play their favorite games, synthesize NFTs, and earn crypto. As a platform, ShowMeta allows builders to create their own Metaverse and token economy that integrate with the grand ShowMeta ecosystem. ShowMeta is the Steam of Web3.

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