Brute Force Technique in Algorithms

Shraddha Rao
4 min readJul 17, 2024


Proceed only if you are here because:

  • You have started learning coding patterns.
  • You possess a fundamental knowledge of a programming language.
  • You believe in consistency and are committed to problem-solving.
  • You remember to practice pseudocoding while tackling problems by:
    Reading the problem statement thoroughly.
    — Writing and comprehending the coding technique.
    — Identifying the data types involved.
    — Determining the expected output data types.
    — Writing the initial solution.
    — Optimizing the solution.
    — Testing the solution against different test cases.

Now getting back to the concept —

One of the simplest and most intuitive methods used to solve a wide range of problems is the “brute force technique.” This approach involves trying all possible solutions to find the correct one. While it may not always be the most efficient, brute force is a powerful tool for understanding problem-solving fundamentals and is often a good starting point for more complex strategies.

What is Brute Force?

Brute force algorithms typically iterate through all possible configurations or solutions to a problem until they find one that satisfies the required conditions. This technique is straightforward and guarantees finding a solution if one exists, but it can be computationally expensive, especially for large input sizes.

Applications of Brute Force

  1. String Matching: Brute force string matching checks for the occurrence of a substring by comparing it with all possible substrings of the main string.
  2. Combinatorial Problems: Problems like generating permutations, combinations, and subsets can be solved using brute force by exploring all possible configurations.
  3. Optimization Problems: Finding the maximum or minimum of a function by evaluating it at all possible points, such as the knapsack problem or traveling salesman problem.

Example Problems and Walkthroughs

String Matching

Given two strings, `text` and `pattern`, find the starting index of all occurrences of `pattern` in `text`.

Brute Force Approach: Compare the `pattern` with every possible substring of `text` of the same length.

Given a text of length `n` and a pattern of length `m`, the algorithm proceeds with an outer loop that iterates over the text from the start to `( n — m + 1 )`, ensuring the remaining substring is at least as long as the pattern. For each starting index ( i ), representing the beginning of the current substring in the text, an inner loop is initialized where a variable `match` is set to True. This inner loop compares each character in the substring of the text starting at ( i ) with the corresponding character in the pattern. If any character does not match, `match` is set to False and the inner loop breaks. If `match` remains True after the inner loop, the starting index ( i ) is printed as an occurrence of the pattern.

def brute_force_string_match(text, pattern):
n = len(text)
m = len(pattern)

for i in range(n - m + 1):
match = True
for j in range(m):
if text[i + j] != pattern[j]:
match = False
if match:
print(f"Pattern found at index {i}")

text = "ababcabc"
pattern = "abc"
brute_force_string_match(text, pattern)

Maximum Subarray Sum

Given an array of integers, find the contiguous subarray with the maximum sum.

Brute Force Approach: Check the sum of all possible subarrays and keep track of the maximum sum found.

To find the maximum sum of any subarray within an array `arr`, we start by initializing `n` as the length of `arr` and `max_sum` to negative infinity to ensure that any subarray sum will be greater. The process begins with an outer loop that iterates over each possible starting index `i` of the subarray. For each `i`, an inner loop iterates over each possible ending index `j` of the subarray where `j` is greater than or equal to `i`. Within the inner loop, we calculate the sum of the subarray from `i` to `j`. If the current sum of this subarray is greater than `max_sum`, we update `max_sum`. After examining all possible subarrays, the final `max_sum` is returned as the result.

def brute_force_max_subarray(arr):
n = len(arr)
max_sum = float('-inf')

for i in range(n):
for j in range(i, n):
current_sum = sum(arr[i:j + 1])
if current_sum > max_sum:
max_sum = current_sum

return max_sum

arr = [-2, 1, -3, 4, -1, 2, 1, -5, 4]
print(brute_force_max_subarray(arr)) # Output: 6 (subarray: [4, -1, 2, 1])

Why Use Brute Force?

Despite its inefficiency, brute force is often used because:

  1. Simplicity: It’s easy to implement and understand.
  2. Completeness: It guarantees finding a solution if one exists.
  3. Baseline: It provides a baseline solution against which more complex algorithms can be compared.

When to Avoid Brute Force?

Brute force is impractical for large input sizes due to its high time complexity. It’s essential to consider alternative strategies when:

  1. The problem size is large.
  2. Real-time or near-real-time solutions are required.
  3. More efficient algorithms are available (e.g., dynamic programming, greedy algorithms).

