Shrafat Ali
2 min readDec 23, 2017

“Every Act of Kindness is Charity."
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said, "Every Act of Kindness is Charity." Sahih Al-Bukhari: 6021.

One day, I read this Hadith and surprised that we can earn reward from ALLAH ALMIGHTY even on small acts of kindness. For these small acts, it doesn’t require lots of resources, efforts and wealth; we can do it easily. Then I decide to do at least 5 acts of kindness in a week.
Now, I was ready to find and avail the opportunity of a small act. One day on the way; back to my home from job while driving a motorbike, I saw a stone lying in the middle of the road. I removed that stone because it would be harmful for everyone. We can do acts of kindness in many ways such as I gave a ride to a person who was standing on the road for public transport and was getting late. One day on the road a man came near me and asked for help to understand a home address because he was newcomer in the city. I donate some rupees to a trust hospital. One of my friends was confused about the timings of train because he wanted to go Karachi; I inquired for him the timings from railway website.

All these acts in a broader prospect can be applied within a working team. As , we can help our team member by helping him/her in a situation in which he/she is not aware about a procedure. If someone from our team is in need of money for education or some domestic use. If someone from our team wants to get knowledge about something and haven’t means.
After helping others in these times of need I feel calmness and satisfaction in myself. It can be helpful to make a positive change in our society.