What is MERN Stack? — A Quick Introduction

Madhu Shree
4 min readApr 20, 2023


The MERN stack is one of the most frequently utilized in contemporary web development. Node.js, Express.js, React, and MongoDB were used in its development.

React is the most famous library in the entire world. React’s ability to simplify the creation and management of an application’s user interface (UI) while also accelerating overall site speed is the reason it is so well-liked. Both Facebook’s support and the passion of its user base have been advantageous to it.

A tech stack based on JavaScript that is highly customizable, developer-friendly and performant is provided by React, MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js. Learn these frameworks by joining an online full stack developer course offered by Learnbay.

MERN Stack

The MERN stack is a web development framework. Their functional components include MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. A Javascript stack is employed called the MERN Stack.

Full-stack online applications can be deployed more quickly with the MERN Stack, a Javascript stack. Each of these four top-notch technologies contributes significantly to the development of software applications and gives programmers a complete framework within which to work. These technologies enable using the MongoDB database system, the Node JS back-end runtime environment, the React front-end framework, and the Express JS back-end web framework.

The parts of MERN Stack are:

The following is a list of each of these components’ unique roles in developing a web application using the MERN stack:

  • MongoDB

Each record in MongoDB, a NoSQL database, is a document of key-value pairs akin to those in JSON (JavaScript). Thanks to MongoDB’s versatility, users can create a schema, databases, tables, etc., The cornerstone of MongoDB is credentialed, which is made distinct via a primary key. Users can use the Mongo shell after installing MongoDB. Through its JavaScript interface, users may communicate with Mongo Shell and carry out operations, including querying, updating records, and removing records.

  • Express.js

Express is a back-end web application framework for the Node.js platform. Compared to utilizing Node.js and creating several Node modules, Express makes it simpler and easier to construct the back-end code. Express may be used to build excellent web apps and APIs. Express provides a range of middleware, which makes coding easier and faster. As an alternative, when utilizing Node.js directly to create the whole web server code, developers use Express to make it simpler to build server code. There’s no need to recite the same code repeatedly. The Express framework is thought to be able to create trustworthy web apps and APIs. It is well known for its lightning-fast performance and straightforward structure, and many features may be accessed as plugins.

  • ReactJS

User interfaces are created using the React JavaScript library. React can construct mobile applications, complex software applications, and single-page online applications. Respond swiftly to information that is rapidly changing. Clients can create UI components using JavaScript and React. React is an open-source JavaScript package that may be used to generate views shown in HTML. In contrast to AngularJS, React is not a framework. There is a library here.

  • Node.js

A cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment was initially developed for Google Chrome and released by Google in 2008. It is made to aid in developing scalable network applications and can execute JavaScript code outside of a browser. Users can run their code on the server thanks to Node.js’ JavaScript Environment (outside the browser). With the Node Pack Manager or npm, the user can choose from thousands of free packages (also known as node modules) to download. Node.js assembles several JavaScript files using a module structure based on CommonJS instead of requiring an enclosed HTML page.

You might now be wondering why to utilize MERN. The response is simple to understand because of its advantages over development.

Advantages of a MERN Stack

Every line of code written in JavaScript and JS, two languages that can be used for both client-side and server-side applications, gives the MERN stack its fundamental advantage for developers. Developers must figure out the best way to integrate Full-Stack with various programming languages. The only languages developers using stack must be proficient in are JavaScript and JSON. Generally speaking, the MERN stack allows programmers to build very useful web apps.

  • Incorporate a sizable pre-built toolkit of technologies.
  • The core of React is a component that renders itself and manages its state. A factor summarizes the current condition of the data and the display, which is how it is rendered. By dividing the application into components, the developers may focus on the design and logic of the application.
  • The viability of Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and React.
  • Ensures a seamless development cycle by supporting the model view controller architecture.
  • Because React can operate on the server, its code can be utilized on both servers and browsers.
  • Every element of the MERN Stack is open-source and free.
  • Again, the MERN stack covers every stage of development, from front-end to back-end. Use javascript to complete the entire web development lifecycle from front to back-end. You must be familiar with Javascript and JSON.
  • The MERN stack supports the MVC architecture, which removes roadblocks from the development process.
  • The MERN Stack comes with a number of exclusive testing tools already installed.
  • It is a library, React. You have complete control over the library methods you use while using the React library, which provides you with the tools you need to build your application.

MERN stacks provide excellent foundations for rapid front-end developments. They produce JavaScript applications that are lightweight. The way it is organized, though, is where the major distinction lies. The MERN stack wins in the contest for quicker development of smaller apps. As you can see, learning MERN development is important. To learn more, enroll in the full stack web developer course, developed in partnership with IBM and Microsoft.

