Display 7 Day Weather Forecast with OpenWeather API

2 min readApr 15, 2022


I used openweathermap API to get the weather information. Openweather API is free and easy to use.

Tech Stack: HTML,CSS,Javascript

Functionalities of my weather app:

  1. Get the weather Info of current location
  2. Get the weather Info of a city
  3. Display upcoming 7 days weather forecast
  4. Display map along with weather Info

Some screenshots :

The look of weather app

This is showing the weather info of Dubai .

7 days weather forecast

when you scroll down you can see the weather forecast of upcoming week.

current location weather info

this is showing the current location weather info.

I would like to thank my mentors of masai school for their guidance.

To use my weather app:https://quiet-llama-5f92ef.netlify.app/ (netlify link)

To see the Source Code:https://github.com/Shreeprada/Weather-App (my github link)

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Hi, I am Shreeprada a girl who is enthusiastic reader and learning blog writing here