Explainable AI for Communicable Disease Prediction: A Breakthrough in Healthcare Technology

4 min readJul 4, 2024


Welcome to my Last Article in this series on Explainable AI.

Brief Recap of Fifth Article on Explainable AI :

In my previous article, we implemented SHAP practically across these data types to gain deeper insights into model predictions.

In this article, we will explore a use case of explainable AI in healthcare. We will examine how AI aids healthcare decision-making while providing transparent, interpretable insights. This includes discussing advanced AI techniques, real-world applications, and the importance of explainability for healthcare professionals. By addressing the “black box” problem, explainable AI ensures AI’s role in healthcare is powerful, accountable, and understandable. Stay tuned for an insightful exploration of how explainable AI is revolutionizing healthcare.


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In an era where health concerns are at the forefront of global attention, a groundbreaking study has emerged, leveraging the power of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) to predict communicable diseases. This innovative approach, detailed in a recent IEEE paper, not only enhances our ability to detect potential outbreaks but also provides transparent, interpretable results that medical professionals can trust and act upon.

The Challenge:
Communicable diseases, from common flu to more severe outbreaks like COVID-19, pose significant challenges to public health systems worldwide. Traditional AI models, while effective, often operate as ‘black boxes,’ making it difficult for healthcare providers to understand and trust their predictions. This lack of transparency has been a major hurdle in the widespread adoption of AI in critical healthcare decisions.

The Solution: Explainable XGBoost (XXGB) Model
Researchers have developed an intelligent healthcare prototype that utilizes an Explainable XGBoost (XXGB) model. This model not only predicts the likelihood of communicable diseases but also explains the reasoning behind its predictions. Here’s how it works:

Source Research Paper

1. Data Collection: The system uses various Medical Sensors (MSs) to collect health parameters like temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation.

2. Edge Computing: Instead of relying on cloud infrastructure, the system processes data locally on edge devices, ensuring faster response times and data privacy.

3. XXGB Model: The core of the system is the XXGB model, which analyzes the collected data to predict disease risk.

4. Explainability: Using techniques like LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) and SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations), the model provides clear explanations for its predictions.

5. Mobile Application: A user-friendly mobile app visualizes the results, making it easy for both medical professionals and patients to understand the risk factors.

Key Findings:

Source Google

- The XXGB model achieved an impressive 84.2% accuracy in predicting communicable diseases.
- It outperformed other machine learning models like Random Forest, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Naive Bayes.
- The model’s explainability feature allows medical professionals to understand which factors (e.g., age, temperature, oxygen levels) contribute most to the prediction.

Implications for Healthcare:

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1. Early Detection: By continuously monitoring health parameters, the system can detect potential infections early, allowing for timely interventions.

2. Reduced Hospital Admissions: With remote monitoring capabilities, patients with mild symptoms can be managed at home, reducing unnecessary hospital admissions.

3. Informed Decision Making: The explainable nature of the AI helps doctors make more informed decisions, potentially improving patient outcomes.

4. Scalability: The use of edge computing makes the system highly scalable, potentially extending healthcare reach to underserved areas.

Challenges and Future Directions:

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While promising, the technology still faces challenges:
- Ensuring data privacy and security in IoT devices
- Improving the accuracy and reliability of medical sensors
- Addressing potential biases in AI models

The researchers suggest future work could focus on incorporating federated learning and deep transfer learning to further enhance the system’s capabilities.


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The integration of Explainable AI in communicable disease prediction represents a significant leap forward in healthcare technology. By combining accuracy with transparency, this approach not only improves disease prediction but also builds trust between AI systems and healthcare providers. As we continue to face global health challenges, innovations like these will be crucial in creating more resilient and effective healthcare systems.


  1. IEEE Research Paper On Explainable AI for Communicable Disease Prediction and Sustainable Living: Implications for Consumer Electronics
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