LIME Unveiled: A Deep Dive into Explaining AI Models for Text, Images, and Tabular Data

6 min readJul 3, 2024


Welcome to my Third Article in this series on Explainable AI.

Brief Recap of Second Article on Explainable AI :

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In Our Second Article “Unveiling the Spectrum of Explainable AI: A Deep Dive into XAI Techniques” , We explored the importance of Explainable AI (XAI) in enhancing transparency and trust in complex AI models. The article begins by emphasizing XAI’s role in accountability and bias detection across regulated industries like healthcare and finance. It categorizes XAI techniques into model agnostic (e.g., LIME, SHAP) and model specific (e.g., attention mechanisms, CNN visualizers), detailing how each method contributes to understanding model decisions locally and globally. The piece concludes with a look at future directions for XAI, highlighting ongoing challenges and the crucial role of ethical guidelines in AI development.

  1. Introduction to LIME:
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LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) is a technique used to explain the predictions of machine learning models locally, meaning for individual predictions rather than the model as a whole. Its purpose is to provide insights into why a model made a specific prediction for a particular instance. This is especially important for complex models like deep neural networks, where understanding the reasoning behind individual predictions can be challenging.

2. LIME Framework Core Concepts :

Image from YTVideo
  • Local surrogate models: Imagine you have a friend who understands a complex game really well. When you don’t understand why the game gave a certain result, you ask your friend to play a simpler version of the game that you both understand. This is like LIME creating a local surrogate model. It’s a simple version of the complex game (or model) that helps you understand why a particular decision was made for a specific cases.
  • Model-agnostic approach: This means LIME doesn’t care which magic box (machine learning model) you’re using — it works with any! It’s like having a tool that can explain how any type of magic box makes decisions, whether it’s for pictures, numbers, or words.
  • Perturbing input data: Think of it like changing small parts of a picture to see how the magic box reacts. If you change a few pixels in a picture of a cat, does the magic box still say “cat”? LIME does this to see which parts of the picture are most important for the magic box’s decision.

These concepts help us understand why a magic box (machine learning model) makes specific decisions for individual cases, even if the magic box itself is very complicated.

3. Working of LIME:

Image Source From YT Video
  • Case Selection: Choose a specific instance (data point) from the dataset for which you want to explain the prediction.
  • Perturbation: Introduce small changes or noise to the selected instance to create a set of similar, perturbed instances.
  • Local Model Creation: Train a simple, interpretable model (like a decision tree or linear regression) on the perturbed instances to approximate the behavior of the complex model around the chosen instance.
  • Feature Importance: Calculate feature weights using the local model to understand which input features are most influential in the model’s prediction for the chosen instance.
  • Explanation: Explain the prediction of the complex model for the chosen instance by interpreting the feature weights obtained from the local model.

4. LIME for Different Types of Data:

  • LIME for Text Data
Google Image

In text data, features typically represent words or tokens. When perturbing these features, a common method is to randomly remove a few words from the original sentence. The intuition behind this approach lies in the belief that the removal of key words could potentially lead to substantial changes in predictions, highlighting the sensitivity of models to the presence or absence of critical information within the text.

  • LIME for Tabular Data:
Google Image

In tabular data, perturbing features often involves adding minor noise to continuous variables. Handling categorical variables is more nuanced since defining distance is subjective. Another approach is selecting an alternate value for the feature from the dataset, ensuring adjustments maintain data integrity and modeling accuracy.

  • LIME for Image Data:
Google Image

In image data, individual pixels may not fully capture the meaningful content. Instead, “super-pixels” are generated by clustering similar adjacent pixels, forming more representative features. These super-pixels can be selectively activated or deactivated by setting their values to zero. This approach perturbs the feature set effectively, allowing us to gauge which image segments have the greatest impact on predictions, thereby aiding in the interpretation of model decisions.

For a Brief Understanding of the Mathematical Intuition, Read Research Paper and watch YouTube video.

5. Limitations of LIME:

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  • Local Interpretability: Focuses on individual predictions, lacking insights into overall model behavior.
  • Sample Dependence: Explanation consistency varies with sampled instances, leading to interpretation differences.
  • Simplicity of Explanation Models: Simplified models (e.g., linear models) may not fully capture complex model behaviors.
  • Feature Space Approximation: Sampling may not accurately reflect real-world data distributions, especially in high-dimensional spaces.

6. Future Directions of LIME in XAI:

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Future Directions of LIME in XAI include enhancing model transparency with more sophisticated approximation techniques for complex models like neural networks. Extending LIME beyond local predictions to understand global model behavior is crucial, alongside improving robustness by addressing sample dependence and validating explanations. Scalability improvements are needed for handling large-scale data and high-dimensional spaces efficiently. Customizing LIME for specific domains and integrating it into iterative model development processes while ensuring ethical compliance will further enhance its utility and trustworthiness in AI applications.


Source Google

LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) offers crucial insights into complex model decisions at a local level across text, images, and tabular data. By creating simplified surrogate models and perturbing input data, LIME enhances transparency and trust in AI systems by explaining specific predictions effectively.

In the next article, we’ll implement LIME on text, tabular, and image data, exploring its practical application to gain deeper insights into model predictions across these diverse data types.

Link For Fourth Article On Explainable AI : Hands-On LIME: Practical Implementation for Image, Text, and Tabular Data


  1. Research Paper Named “Why Should I Trust You?”: Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier
  2. An Article On Explainable AI
  3. A Youtube Video of Explainable AI
  4. A WADLA-3. 0 Youtube Video of Explainable AI By P.V.Arun Sir
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