Google Interview Experience (L4 -Selected)

Shreya Gupta
5 min readMar 14, 2024


In this article, I will share my interview experience at Google right from applying to getting the job as SWE-III !

Short Intro about me

I graduated in Electronics Engineering from NIT Bhopal, in 2020. Prior to joining Google, I worked as a Software Developer at Amazon.

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Applying for the Job

In July 2023, I recieved a message on LinkedIn from a Recruiter at Google regarding an opportunity in Google. He asked me to share my resume for the same.After reviewing my resume , I was asked for my availability for a phone screening round.

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Phone Screening

I received a phone call from a recruiter where I shared my background, work experience and my experience with Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). We then discussed scheduling interviews and I requested for a 1-month timeframe. The recruiter agreed, sending me a form via email to note down my available dates.I already had 2.5 years of experience and I wanted to interview for L4 level. I decided to take some time between the interviews, so that I am able to complete 3+ years of experience before the offer evaluation.

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Technical Interviews

The technical interviews covered a spectrum of topics, from algorithmic problem-solving and data structures. Each interviewer delved deep into my understanding of the problem and challenged me to optimize my solutions further.

The interview started with an introduction of both of us and then we had some discussions around my Project and Work Experience.

I recommend preparing a brief introduction covering all the important points of your professional journey as it will be needed in all the following rounds of interviews.

I can not disclose the exact questions as I have signed the Non-Disclosure agreement but I can give a brief idea of the topics and level of questions:

1st Technical InterviewCoding (45 mins)
Topic — Dynamic programming, 2-D Array
Difficulty — Leetcode Medium
The interviewer explained the coding question, provided test cases, and I verbally discussed my approach. I successfully coded the solution and performed a dry run on test cases, correctly explaining the time complexity.
Overall, this round went well, and I rate it as a Strong Hire.

2nd Technical InterviewCoding (45 mins)
Topic — Trees, Depth First Search, Dynamic programming
Difficulty — Leetcode Hard
The interview began with the question, and I quickly coded the solution.
I successfully handled the follow-up questions by explaining my approach and coding the solution.I gave the correct time complexity for all solutions.
Overall, this round also went well, and I rate it as a Strong Hire.

3rd Technical Interview — Coding (45 mins)
— Dynamic Programming, Heap (Priority Queue), Array
Difficulty — Leetcode Hard
The interview began with a challenging question, but I managed to successfully cod the solution and modified it after dry running on test cases to cover the test case.
Overall, this round was challenging, but I managed to handle it well. I rate it as a Hire.

In the end, the interviewers asked me if I had any questions for them and I asked them regarding his journey at Google, their team and projects etc.

I was expected to write all the solutions following best coding practises (OOPs and SOLID principles, naming conventions etc.)

For all the technical rounds, you can get an idea from Codeforces Problem Set.

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Googlyness Round

This was a non-techinical interview of the hiring process for assessing my alignment with Google’s values, teamwork, and problem-solving approach. Like always, it started with introductions of both of us. Then we had a long discussion about my work experience and projects — my contributions, learnings and challenges.

The interviewer asked me very specific instance involving conflict management and the details of actions taken. We discussed in depth about various scenarios that I faced during my experience and what was my strategy and thought process to navigate them where I highlighted my capacity to excel in varied team dynamics.

She really appreciated my honesty and communication skills throughout the interview.

I recommend going through Google’s core values and using STAR technique to answer such questions.

She asked me if I had any questions for her and I asked her about her work and team at Google and then the interview ended.

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Team Matching Round

I was contacted by three different team managers within few weeks for team matching rounds, where I had a conversation with them regarding their team culture and work. We also discussed about my work experiences and future career goals.

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Around a month later, I received a message from the recruiter confirming that I’ve been selected as a SWE-III in one of the teams. It took around two more weeks for offer letter generation (Jan 2024). I was extremely happy!

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Key Takeaways :

  1. Google’s interview process is designed to assess how well candidates can adapt to new information and feedback. Flexibility in problem-solving and the ability to iterate on solutions are highly valued.
  2. Communication Matters: Clear and effective communication is as important as technical competence. Articulating thoughts, explaining solutions, and seeking feedback is important to collaborate with potential teammates.
  3. Google values not just the correct answer but also the problem-solving approach.Breaking down complex issues into manageable steps, considering edge cases, and optimizing solutions are crucial skills.

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I hope my interview experience helps all of you in your interview preparation .

Incase you have any particular query, please feel free to drop it in comment section and don’t hesitate to contact me on linkedIn. 🤝

All the best ❤

