What is the human origin? aren’t we from earth?

Shreyash Mogaveera
3 min readSep 26, 2021


We, humans, are gaining access to new technologies at a faster pace to ease our daily lifestyle and to explore our universe and our past, it is still a mystery what was our origin, the most accepted theory ‘The Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin. But it is not entirely true few historical evidence shows that our ancestors were more advanced than our current generation. Does this mean we had a well-civilized society on some planet X in our universe and then we traveled and landed on earth and terraformed it?

When we dig deep into this topic we realize that it can be possible that our ancestors were living on a planet X, but due to some circumstances the planet was near about extinct so they decide to move and terraform some other planet and start a new life and they found our planet earth as a suitable option so, they traveled through space-time and reached our current habitat but, there arises a doubt if are ancestors were from a well-developed civilization then why are technological progress is been hindered?

It can be possible that humans were already evolved on earth as per the ‘Theory of evolution and on planet X. But humans on earth were not as developed as that of planet X, since planet X and its species were about to extinct the humans of that planet traveled through space and reached planet earth and started their life with Earthian’s( humans of planet earth). It helped Earthians to develop and avail some future technologies.

If this is right then, where did this technology vanish?

The answer is since Xian’s(humans of planet X) were more mentally and technologically advanced and started ruling over Earthian’s. Some Xian’s exploited Earthian’s, while some saved Earthian’s from getting oppressed and also helped them gaining knowledge. It may be the beginning of devils and gods.
The technologies used by Xian’s were so advanced, Earthian’s thought it was pure magic then they started worshipping Xian’s. At a later stage, most of Xian’s started evil practices against Earthians, which gave rise to revolt against Xians.

The revolt was too intense some Xian’s lost their lives, the remaining Xians decided to leave the planet, leaving behind some part of their technologies, which were later destroyed by these Earthian’s as a potential threat left by Xian’s.

Hence, all those advanced technologies which were once used by our ancestors were lost after the Xians left the earth and our progress was again hindered, and we became what we are now.

Thanks for reading the blog.

“Your origin doesn’t determine your future, but your present action does”



Shreyash Mogaveera

A normal human trying to figure out how the universe and technologies work