How to bring innovation into your life

3 min readMar 1, 2021

It’s a talent that everybody has, but they don’t know it. The strength of imagination.

If you’ve ever admired someone’s artistic talents, realise that you too, can build and invent.

It actually takes some time.

Everyone is born with the ability to be imaginative.

Since the fact is, everybody has potential, the crayon box in kindergarten was not limited to those who had potential.
How long did it take you to learn to ride a bike or drive a car, or to never make the same mistake twice?

It’s the same for new ideas.

It takes some time and a lot of practise for this mind role to come naturally when called upon.

This article will provide you with a few pointers about how to integrate creativity into your everyday routine.

Don’t pay attention to what others have to say.

You should march to the sound of your own drum.

Allowing other people’s feedback would just contribute to the cacophony of the music you’re trying to make.

If you have a unique idea, don’t waste time and energy trying to convince others to consider it.

They aren’t going to.

And the assistance you will most likely get will be in the form of negative feedback.
We’d still be living in the Middle Ages if all of those geniuses had listened to their peers.

Spend some time with it.

I cannot emphasise this point enough; however, do not take this advice to mean that you should quit your day job entirely.

Don’t do it.

This will require some time management, but with a little discipline, you should be able to fit both in.

Exercising is necessary.

Take a walk.

Do a mile or two of running.

Send those endorphins racing through your brain.

Exercising clears and relaxes the mind, allowing something to come to mind.
Keep a journal of your dreams.

Isn’t it true that some of them are the most crazy concepts that your conscious mind would never have considered?

If you’ve had these visions before, which I’m sure you have, it only goes to show how much artistic ability you have.
So make a list of everything you want to remember.

Those dreams might just inspire you to be more creative. Create your own personal style. Don’t hide behind cool tools or gadgets.

To create a masterpiece, you don’t need the most expensive set of paints.

It’s the same with writing.

For a bestseller, you don’t need an expensive fountain pen or super-smooth paper.J.K. Rowling actually wrote the first book of the Harry Potter series on tissue paper.

So what if you have a high-end SLR camera but are a terrible photographer?

What does it matter if you have a flashy laptop if you can’t write?

As he improves at his craft, the artist reduces the number of tools he has because he knows what works and what doesn’t.

Without passion, nothing can work.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

What is it that holds the flame alive?

What is the one thing that if you don’t do, you will die?

People with talent are often overtaken by those who desire it more.

Consider the tortoise and the hare.

According to Ellen Degeneres, if you aren’t doing something you want to do, you aren’t very interested in doing it.That is correct.

You will become practically invincible when you have a deep desire for something.

And that is what passion is all about.

You’ll remain inspired if you’re excited about what you’re doing.

Don’t be worried about lack of motivation.

You can’t force inspiration; it strikes when you least expect it, so be ready for those unexpected and unavoidable moments.On the subway, an idea can strike you, but you, poor unfortunate soul, have no sheet of paper on which to scribble down a thought that could change the world.

Stop these calamities.

At all times, keep a pen and paper within arm’s reach.




I am passionately blogger, curious about things to be or should be change to shape the future. Email ID