‘Even if you are a skeptic, buy a Bitcoin’

Shrey Gaurishankar
4 min readJul 29, 2019


Tushar Agarwal — Principal @ Lunex Ventures & Founder @ DecryptAsia

We catch up with Lunex Ventures’ Tushar Agarwal on what a day in his life looks like as a Cryptocurrency Fund Manager and Blockchain Podcaster. The original post can be found on www.blockpeeps.co

9:15 am: By design, I plan to get up 45 minutes before my first meeting. That’s enough for me to get ready for the day, check the latest price updates on some of the Cryptocurrencies I cover and take my 10 minute walk to work from the co-living space I live in the Central Business District of Singapore.

10:00 am: Day starts in the office with a Meeting with a potential Investor who is interested in understanding our Vision, Focus and the current Portfolio of Companies and Cryptocurrencies we are invested in. We go through their Investment Horizon and share intel on the latest market and industry trends.

11:00 am: I have been up for almost 2 hours without my usual Americano from a cafe downstairs so I decide to pop down and quickly go through any interesting news or updates on Twitter, Medium and CoinDesk. This is also the time to go through my Emails, Whatsapp, Telegram and Slack for any emails and messages that demand immediate attention.

12:15 pm: Off to a business lunch with a Start-Up that is looking to pitch to us for (Seed / Angel) Funding. We have a detailed chat about their Target Customers, Revenue Generation streams, Product Features & Roadmap. Having already gone through their pitch deck the day before, we talk about the challenges and opportunities across the industry they are targeting. As we finish our burgers, I ask them to provide some more information across their Growth Strategy and how they intend to target their Audience.

2:00 pm: Back in the office and it’s time to get through some real work done. As a Principal of a year old Fund that is dedicated to Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, I spend a lot of time looking at Research Reports, Investment Pitches from startups and track progress with our portfolio of companies we have invested in. In addition to early stage investment, we also run an active management (long only ‘hedge fund’) strategy and I go through our current positions and see if any of them need to be altered depending upon multiple market feeds and trends. This is also the time when I sit with one of our Founding partners to go through the performance of our fund and come up with new investment ideas.

5:00 pm: Coffee 2.0 as I check in with my support team of Decrypt Asia, the Blockchain podcast that I launched in 2018 with a view to develop a personal brand and network with some of the most inspirational figures across the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency ecosystem. I schedule meetings and phone calls with the next 3 people we’ll feature on DecryptAsia and share with them a few points on the topics I want to cover.

7:30 pm: I make my way to Virgin Active for a power workout having wrapped most of the urgent tasks I had set for the day. I am a strong believer of physical and mental fitness leading to overall success so 4 training sessions a week are non-negotiable for me. A well balanced dinner of proteins and vegetables is accompanied by taking another look at all my Social Media feeds to see if there have been any immediate developments in the industry.

9:00pm Running late for drinks with some friends, I am not surprised that they have already started without me. I spend a lot of time in front of my phone and laptop so its always a refresher to be able to see these guys and catch up on what everyone else is up to. As the Old Fashioned makes its way, we plan on a game of Tennis and doing a BBQ for the weekend. On my way home, I catch up with my sister over the phone on what to expect on her first day of Internship at a VC firm in Hong Kong this coming Monday. Family is very important to me and being the elder sibling, I try my best to guide and mentor my sister whenever I can.

11:00pm: Back home and it is time to unwind with an audiobook. I am currently listening to Henry Ford’s autobiography and plan to finish a chapter a day. Getting a peek into the minds of some of the most influential people in the world of Business, Politics and Culture makes me realise how our world has changed over the past couple of centuries which helps me in making personal and business decisions going forward.

12:30: Its past midnight and I realise I need to put my phone and tablet away for the day. Phones shut, lights out and it’s time for bed!



Shrey Gaurishankar

Currently reading, reading and reading about everything Blockchain. Writer @ Blockpeeps. www.blockpeeps.co