The Impact of Global Events on the Forex Market

Shridhar G V
4 min readOct 12, 2023


Discover how global events shake up the Forex market. Learn the importance of reliable market data in making informed decisions.

Global events impact Forex market
Global events shape the Forex market | Image from Pexels

The world of finance is always on the move. It is heavily influenced by events happening around the globe. Observing how events on one side of the world can ripple through the forex market on the other is fascinating.

The article covers the fascinating impact of global events on the financial realm. We will discuss everything from economic news to geopolitical events.

Forex Market Impact

The forex market is the heavyweight champion of global finance. It has a daily trading volume surpassing a mind-boggling $6 trillion. What drives it? — National currencies changing hands. And that makes it quite sensitive to global events. Interest rates, economic stats, and geopolitical rumblings all play their part. So, market participants need to keep their fingers on the pulse.

World Events and Currency Markets

What shakes up the Forex market? — Everything from trade agreements to diplomatic spats and natural disasters. Trade wars can lead to currency devaluation. Countries use it as a strategy to gain trade advantages.

Let us deep-dive into the impacts of global events on the forex landscape one by one:

1. Forex Trading during Global Events

Forex traders need to adjust their game plan as the world goes topsy-turvy. Increased uncertainty means higher market turbulence. So risk management and careful position sizing become essential. Watch out for central bank announcements and geopolitical shifts to make informed choices.

2. Economic News and Forex

Economic news isn’t just for economists; it’s a big deal for forex traders. Data like GDP growth, job data, and consumer mood can push up or pull down currency values. It’s like the stock market, but for countries.

3. Inflation and Forex Trading

Inflation is another big player in the forex world. Central banks often change interest rates to fight inflation. High inflation can shrink a currency’s value. Inflation and interest rates correlate. So, market participants must be aware of the latest figures.

4. Central Bank Policies and Forex

Central banks hold significant power in the forex game. They make decisions on interest rates, quantitative easing, and other policies. These policies can directly sway currency values. So, traders should adjust trading strategies by staying glued to central bank announcements.

5. Energy Crisis and Forex

Fluctuations in oil prices, also known as energy crises, can make waves in forex markets. Oil is a big deal in the trading world. Any hiccups in the energy sector can send shockwaves through currency markets.

6. Trade Wars and Currency Exchange

Trade wars, like the US-China showdown, can affect currency exchange rates. Tariffs and restrictions can mess with trade flows and stir the pot in forex markets.

7. Geopolitical Events and Forex

What can geopolitical happenings involving big players do? They can send shockwaves through the Forex market. The impact can be even more significant when big players are involved. Why? Because currency exchange rates sometimes lose their liquidity. The economic uncertainty in a country or region can shift market sentiment.

We have witnessed the Russia-Ukraine conflict for the last year and seven months. Russia faces economic sanctions. So, the turmoil is affecting commodity market dynamics, especially for Russian exports. Recently, the Israel-Hamas conflict has emerged. It is making market participants cautious about the currency rate movements.

8. Pandemic and Forex Market

Remember the COVID-19 pandemic? It showcased how global events can rock financial boats. In the pandemic’s early days, the forex market went on a roller coaster ride. The currencies of countries with robust healthcare responses performed better.

9. Political Events and Forex

Elections, anyone? Political events can have a massive impact on exchange rates. A change of government may imply a change in economic policies and approaches. Thus, the exchange rates related to a particular country may turn volatile.

We could see volatility in the Turkish Lira/ Euro (TRY/EUR) exchange rate slipped from about 0.047 in May to 0.035 in June 2023.

10. Natural Disasters affect Forex.

Natural disasters (such as an earthquake, floods, or wildfires) can also rock the forex market. The country facing a disaster requires adequate resources and finance to restore infrastructure. So, the market sentiment may deteriorate, leading to a fall in the exchange rates.

Market Response to Global Events

Global events get a mixed bag of responses from the market. Some events cause immediate market moves, while others have a delayed effect. Market players look back at historical data and think ahead to seize the moment.

Why is Reliable Market Data Critical?

Working with a reputed Forex data provider like TraderMade is crucial. It helps you get historical and real-time Forex data. You get Forex data via varied delivery methods to suit your technology needs.

Fintech companies can integrate the Forex API into their solutions. They can add data retrieval features to their websites and applications. Developers can leverage tools like Query Generator. It helps create URL requests and run their programs or apps.


The article takes you through several global events affecting the forex landscape. These facets shape the ever-evolving forex market. Market participants need to stay informed and adapt to change. Leveraging modern technology and tools helps make informed decisions.

The article covers various aspects, like a global pandemic, a political twist, and more. We hope you explore how they keep the Forex market fascinating and ever-dynamic.



Shridhar G V

FinTech enthusiast with rich experience of over six years. Loves to share ideas on technology in financial services, and the latest innovations.