How to apply for MEXT Embassy Recommendation?

Shripriya Maheshwari
6 min readAug 4, 2023



In my previous blog, I talked about MEXT Scholarship, its benefits and different ways to apply. This blog is in continuation of my previous blog. Today, I will discuss the application process for MEXT Scholarship through Embassy Recommendation.


  • Embassy Recommendation for Master’s and PhD — First Screening, Provisional Acceptance, Second Screening
  • Embassy Recommendation for Bachelor’s — Choose a field, First Screening, Second Screening
  • Things to note before applying — 6 months as a Research Student, 1 year of preparatory Japanese language course for undergraduates
  • Useful Links

Embassy Recommendation for Master’s and PhD

The entire process can be divided into 3 parts:

First Screening

There is a preliminary screening before the First Screening where only one form needs to be submitted to the embassy via email. This form is basically your CV containing your educational background, motivation to apply, publications (if any), etc.

If you clear the preliminary screening, the process for the first screening begins. It is again divided into 3 steps.

  1. Document submission

The entire list of the documents is shown here.

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The latest version of all the forms can be downloaded from the Embassy’s website. These forms are submitted to the Embassy of Japan in your home country via post.

2. Written Examination

The exam comprises English and Japanese Language sections. I know that a lot of people do not know Japanese before coming to Japan including me. But don’t worry, you don’t need to excel in Japanese to get the MEXT Scholarship. Just do your best.

Tip: You can find the previous years’ papers here.

3. Interview by the Embassy

The main aim of this interview is to know about you and your motivation for coming to Japan. The 20-minute interview is usually conducted online in English.

Tip: Since this is not a technical interview, your confidence and fluency also play a significant role. If you tend to get nervous, I suggest writing and practising your answers beforehand.

4. Clearing the First Screening

Congratulations on clearing the first round! At this point, you will receive the following from the Embassy:

  • Your submitted documents with the official stamp
  • An Excel sheet with the email and contact information of the International Division of all the universities supported by MEXT.

Great! It’s time to contact your desired university.

Obtaining a Provisional Letter of Acceptance

  1. Reach out to the International Division

The next step is to reach out to the international division of your targeted university. Your email should contain the following:

  • Your introduction (name, current status, etc.)
  • The department and the lab/professor you would like to work with
  • Your motivation to apply
  • Scanned copy of the documents sent by the embassy

In addition to this, you should also mention either in the subject or in the email that you have already cleared the first screening done by the embassy.

2. Screening done by the professor

After receiving your email, the international division will forward your email to the professor. Based on the positions available in the lab and your application, the professor might accept or reject your application.

The professor may also invite you for an additional online meeting/interview to see if this is a good fit for both of you.

If, unfortunately, you get rejected, you can either reach out to a different lab within the same university or a different one altogether.

Note: You can only reach out to 3 labs/universities at once.

3. Receiving the Provisional Letter of Acceptance

If the professor accepts your candidature, they inform the international division. The international division will then issue you a provisional letter of acceptance.

Note: You can only submit up to 2 provisional letters of acceptance.

Congratulations on receiving the letter of acceptance! The next step is more like an administrative process rather than a screening.

Second Screening

  1. Submit the documents to the Embassy

You need to submit the following to the Embassy:

  • Provisional Letter of Acceptance
  • Placement Preference Form

2. Wait for the results!

The whole process of applying for the scholarship and getting the acceptance email can take a year. I know you want to receive that email as soon as possible once you submit all the documents but the screening process takes time. I would suggest to be patient and do not send recurring emails regarding the update.

Embassy Recommendation for Bachelor’s

The process for undergraduate students can be divided into 3 steps.

Choose a Field of Study

These are the two tracks that you need to choose from.

Within the Social Sciences and Humanities & Natural Sciences tracks, there are sub-tracks — A, B, and C. The entire list is shown below.

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First Screening

The process is similar to the first screening conducted for Master’s and PhD i.e.

  1. Document Submission
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2. Written Examination

The questions in the written examination depend on the field of study and its sub-track.

  • For Social Sciences and Humanities — A and B: Japanese, English, and Mathematics
  • For Natural Sciences — A: Japanese(B), English(B), Mathematics(B), Chemistry, and Physics.
  • For Natural Sciences — B and C: Japanese(B), English(B), Mathematics(B), Chemistry, and Biology.

The previous years’ question papers are available here.

3. Interview

Successful candidates are invited to an online interview. Since it is conducted by the embassy, I believe it will be similar to my experience of giving an interview for a Master’s degree. The candidate should showcase their motivation for coming to Japan and be willing to learn about the culture.

Second Screening

After you clear the First Screening, your application is recommended to MEXT. MEXT will then conduct the second screening and decide on the successful candidates.

Before you leave, here are a few things you should consider while applying for MEXT.

Things to Note

6 months as a Research Student

For Master’s and PhD students, if your university requires you to give an entrance exam in person, you will have to come to Japan for 6 months as a research student. After you clear the entrance exam, you join the regular Master's or PhD program.

1 year of Preparatory Japanese Language Course

For undergraduate students, if your course requires Japanese Proficiency, you have to enrol for one year of intensive Japanese language course along with other subjects. After a year of the course, you are placed in a university based on your grades over the course and application documents.

Note: A direct placement can be done if the lab/university does not have any such requirements.

Don’t worry, you will be paid the scholarship for the entire duration in both cases.

Good luck with the application! In my next blog, I will talk about tips for the interview and things to know about MEXT Scholarship before applying. Follow me here or on YouTube so you don’t miss out!

Useful Links

  1. MEXT Embassy Recommendation (Master’s/PhD students)
  2. MEXT Embassy Recommendation (Bachelor’s students)
  3. Follow me on Instagram and YouTube to know more about life in Japan!



Shripriya Maheshwari

A brown girl sharing her journey from India to Japan with a fully funded scholarship, experiencing the culture, and day-to-day life in Japan.