TSR- Meaning and Significance?

Shrishty Mishra
4 min readDec 22, 2021


In the world of digital payments, the metric "success rate of transaction" is used quite often and with good reason. Transaction rate of success reflects the way you are paid and the way it is smooth that the experience is however, unlike other reasons a customer abandons a cart, failed payment is one of those factors that businesses have little or no control over and that means every customer. The costs of acquiring and retaining customers are wasted.

What do you understand by Transaction Success Rate?

The Successful Transaction Rate refers to the proportion of attempted transactions that resulted in a successful payment transfer. It is calculated by dividing the total number of approved / successful transactions by the number of transactions attempted.

Customers today want a smooth online checkout experience, and every additional step or inconvenience on the way from add to cart to checkout only adds to cart abandonment - and has a direct impact on the outcome. results of a company.
However, unlike other reasons why a customer abandons a shopping cart, checkout failure is one of those factors that businesses have little or no control over - and that means every customer. The costs incurred to acquire and retain customers are wasted.

What affects the TSR?

As a measure of the number of successful payments, this question can be answered by understanding the cause of the failed payment. Payment errors can be caused by anything from an incorrectly entered OTP code to a delayed response from the payment service provider or the bank's digital infrastructure supporting the transaction.
We analyzed data from 148 million payments made since December 2020 and here is some information on the causes of transaction errors:
The customer took too long to complete the payment (38.6%)
Customer canceled payment (17.5%)
Failed to process payments to banks or vendors (7.8%)
Customers represent 67.5% of all failed payments. While some of these are intentional (customer cancellation), there are also avoidable cancellations such as insufficient balance in the payment method (~4%). There are even cases of suspicious behavior - for example, a transaction attempted through a locked or stolen card (0.5%). Payment Ecosystem: Payment providers and issuers account for 27.7% of all failed payments. About 20% of all payment errors are due to transaction errors between payment providers and various intermediaries in the payment ecosystem, such as - 4,444 card networks (VISA, MasterCard, Rupay, Diner's) Club, American Express), Payment support (UPI, payment application, wallet), Bank.

Why is "Transaction success rate" important?

In our increasingly internet-driven world, digital channel revenue has grown dramatically These consumers expect a smooth shopping experience – and failed deals are a big reason shoppers avoid a brand. If these deals are successful, it means other efficiency gains – for example, preventing wasteful customer acquisition costs from rising due to such payment failures and the loss of their long-term value. may have provided to your company.

What can companies do?

Make the checkout as smooth as could really be expected: the smoother the checkout interaction, the less possible a client needs to drop the installment or forsake the truck. The checkout cycle is excessively long or relentless.

First Check: Ensure the shopping basket checkout experience doesn't expect clients to enter an excessive number of subtleties prior to making their checkout. Once done, get their location and contact subtleties - yet for a decent client experience, ensure they invest minimal measure of energy and exertion finishing the item or administration they need. For instance, auto-filling city and state from a PIN can cut checkout times by seconds and save significant income for your business.

Permit visitors to checkout: While gathering client data is an important part of building dependability and beginning a business, it is an easy decision to drive account creation. 24% of all truck deserting is ascribed to the need to make a record. A motivating force for the following buy or an incredible arrangement to improve upon the arrangement likewise guarantees that your business and clients get what they need.

Utilize saved installment data: Saved installment data can be a flat-out gift for a business. Nobody likes to continually type in 16-digit numbers or UPI IDs, and having them show up before clients simply makes it simpler for them to purchase your items and benefits and convey cash to your business. New clients can profit from this installment experience through the organization's installment supplier.

Complete Payment Methods: Payments ought to be liquid and adaptable for the checkout cycle to go without a hitch. Clients are accustomed to paying through their favored strategies, and it can differ contingent upon the UPI for a specific card or wallet.

More intelligent Routing: If a business is coordinated with numerous installment passages, regardless of whether one supplier is confronting vacation or server issues, the other can in any case take care of business and guarantee installments. the estimation is finished.

PayPound is a rapidly expanding high-risk payment solution provider for a wide range of businesses. We provide customizable payment solutions at competitive prices, as well as multiple levels of security and protection.
We strive to provide our customers with the most up-to-date industry knowledge, including fintech, high-risk payments, cryptocurrency, and much more! Contact us at (+44) 800 832 1733 or sales@paypound.ltd.

