Days at the LibraryYou had the best job in the world, and then you wanted more.Jul 5, 2024Jul 5, 2024
Are some people loners inside?So this question has been lingering in my mind for quite sometime now. Well, if you’re reading this to find an answer to that question, I’d…Dec 23, 20202Dec 23, 20202
Published inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Shruthi AcharyaPulled an all-nighter skimming through all the mini-biographies, only to come up with a lame one. Still want to post it anyway.Nov 4, 20202Nov 4, 20202
I want to turn Vegan but I fear I wouldn’t be authentic.I gave up meat 4 months ago. I have consumed white meat for 7 years and started loving bacon and lamb for almost an year before I turned…Oct 29, 20202Oct 29, 20202