A Grocery Shopping experience

Shruti Hallur
3 min readJul 19, 2022


We live in the Digital world today and transformed more from the physical experience to the Virtual / Online Experience. One of the basic things that we just cannot move over is the way we do our groceries with limited online shopping experience and options. Given the Online Market shall achieve double than its current credentials & Value by 2019, Grocery is the most vital yet the smallest of its channels that needs enhancements

Currently 98% users are tech savvy / possess sufficient hands on the technologies available at least a smart phone with internet.
Shopping for the day-to-day items / essentials needs to be simplified & recreated to assist users with a whole new experience.
Making it not only easy but flexible to suit their needs.
Few Key research Findings as a problem statement.

Users shop online from superstores / megastores

2 Times / month
Repeat visits for missed items

1000 mins / year
Average time spent (80mins/month)

“Create a Solution that’s Quick, Reliable & Time Saving for the users”

How to achieve?

  1. Define
    The approach for the concept
  2. Derive
    User information, choose interaction and interpretation
  3. Design
    Using Research Knowledge & experience along with UX disciplines, principles, & methodologies to create a solution that caters to the solution
  4. Develop
    Revisit & proof the findings and implement during iterations

Design Strategy

Customer connect, save transaction time, build brand, trust, &“up sell”, Gain / Retain Customers

Buyers (All age Groups)

Learn, Select, Buy, Transact grocery


Economical, Reliable, User Oriented, Service Oriented


  • Amount of Time
  • Simplify
  • Increase Productivity
  • Buying Motivation
  • Reduce Revisits


  • Gain / Retain Customers
  • Up — sell opportunities
  • Brand recognition
  • Efficient
  • Serve faster and better

Task flow analysis


Sanket Arora

Location: Pune, India
Age: 37
Status: Working Professional (Manager)
Interests: Football, Shopping, Social Media
Education Level: Graduate, MBA

Buying Motivation

Sanket is a working as a manager in an IT firm. He has a very tight schedule and does not get enough time to go with his family for grocery shopping. Sanket knows how much to spend on which products.

Buying Concerns:

Due to the tight schedule Sanket doesn’t get time to visit the store and buy the grocery. He cannot invest too much time in shopping again and again. As Sanket is a all time shopper he usually shops unnecessary products and in the end it goes out of his budget. He would have a solution of reducing the excessive shopping and even a solution for quick shopping so that he can give his time to his work.

Low — Fidelity Wireframes

High Fidelity Wireframes

Visual Designs



Shruti Hallur

UX / UI Designer. Interested in Product designer/UX-UI positions in USA. For my visual design work please follow : https://www.behance.net/shrutihallca81