C++ STL - Containers : One Shot

Shruti Pokale
4 min readJul 16, 2024


Welcome to our deep dive into the world of C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers where we’ll explore the various types of STL containers, their unique features

Now we have already gotten basic ideas about STL and it’s components in C++ STL : one shot

So let’s start with this blog which will help us choose our containers wisely

What is a Container ?

  • holder object that stores other objects as elements. It is used to implement different data structures
  • implemented as class templates (templates use data types as parameters), allowing greater flexibility in the types supported as elements
  • manage storage space for its elements and provide member functions to access them directly or through iterators

Types of Containers

1. Sequence Containers

  • Accessed sequentially via their position.
  • It preserves the insertion order of elements.
  • Internally implemented as arrays or linked lists.

Types of sequence containers :

a. Array

  • Sequential homogeneous containers of fixed size.
  • The elements are stored in contiguous memory locations.


array<object_type, size> array_name;

b. Vector

  • Dynamic arrays, allow the insertion and deletion of data from the end. They can grow or shrink as required.
  • Their size is not fixed, unlike arrays.


vector<object_type> vector_name;

c. Deque (double-ended queue)

  • Allows inserting and deleting from both ends.
  • They are more efficient than vectors in case of insertion and deletion.
  • Its size is also dynamic.


deque<object_type> deque_name;

d. List

  • Allows insertions and deletions from anywhere.
  • It is a doubly linked list.
  • They allow non-contiguous memory allocation for the elements.


list<object_type> list_name;

e. Forward List

  • Allows iteration in only a single direction
  • They are implemented as singly linked list in STL in C++.
  • It uses less memory than lists.


forward_list<object_type> forward_list_name;

2. Associative Containers

  • Ordered (sorted) container that provides a fast lookup of objects based on the keys, unlike a sequence container which uses position.
  • A value is stored corresponding to each key.
  • Internally implemented as binary tree data structures. This results in logarithmic time operations — 𝑂(log⁡𝑛).

Types of associative containers :

a. Set

  • used to store unique elements.
  • The data is stored in a particular order (increasing order, by default).


set<object_type> set_name;

b. Map

  • contains elements in the form of unique key-value pairs.
  • Each key can be associated with only one value.
  • It establishes a one-to-one mapping.
  • The key-value pairs are inserted in increasing order of the keys.


map<key_object_type, value_object_type> map_name;

c. Multiset

  • It is similar to a set but also allows duplicate values.


multiset<object_type> multiset_name;

d. Multimap

  • It is similar to a map but allows duplicate key-value pairs to be inserted.
  • Ordering is again done based on keys.


multimap<key_object_type, value_object_type> multimap_name;

3. Unordered Associative Containers

  • Unsorted version of Associative Container.
  • Insertion order is not maintained. Elements are in random order.
  • Internally implemented as a hash table data structure. This results, on average, in constant time operations — 𝑂(1)

Types of Unordered Associative Containers :

a. Unordered Set

  • It is used to store unique elements.


unordered_set<object_type> unordered_set_name;

b. Unordered Map

  • It is used to store unique key-value pairs.


unordered_map<key_object_type, value_object_type> unordered_map_name;

c. Unordered Multiset

  • It is similar to an unordered set, but the elements need not be unique.


unordered_multiset<object_type> unordered_multiset_name;

d. Unordered Multimap

  • It is similar to an unordered map, but the duplicate key-value pairs can be inserted here.


unordered_map<key_object_type, value_object_type> unordered_map_name;

4. Container Adapters

  • Adapts other containers to give a different interface with restricted functionality. Hence the name Container Adapters.
  • The underlying container is encapsulated in such a way that its elements are accessed by the members of the container adaptor independently of the underlying container class used.
  • Values are not directly initialized but with the help of other supported methods.

Types of Container Adapters :

a. Stack

  • Provides Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) access.
  • All the operations occur at the same place called top of the stack.
  • It is implemented on top of a deque by default.


stack<data_type> stack_name;

b. Queue

  • Provides First-In First-Out access.
  • The insertion is done at the rear (back) position and deletion at the front.
  • It is implemented on top of a deque by default.


queue<data_type> queue_name;

c. Priority Queue

  • It is similar to a queue, but every element has a priority value.
  • This value decides what element is present at the top, which is the greatest element.
  • This is similar to the max heap data structure.
  • It is implemented on top of the vector by default.


priority_queue<object_type> priority_queue_name;

Operations on containers

For understanding of the time and space complexities of the operations of these containers check out these resources :





Shruti Pokale

Making data structures & algorithms fun! 🚀 Connect with me on LinkedIn: 🌐 : https://www.linkedin.com/in/shruti-pokale/