Creating a Power BI Pizza Sales Dynamic Dashboard

3 min readJun 15, 2024


Creating a dynamic dashboard in Power BI can be a powerful way to visualize and interpret data. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a Pizza Sales Dynamic Dashboard. This project aims to display Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) accurately and ensure that visualizations are correctly represented. This tutorial follows the [YouTube video]( for reference.

Dashboard Overview

The Pizza Sales Dynamic Dashboard consists of two main pages:
1. Home Page
2. Best and Worst Sellers Page

Each page is designed to present different aspects of the sales data, providing a comprehensive overview of performance metrics.

Home Page

The Home Page is designed to present the top values using card visualizations, text boxes, bar graphs, pie charts, and more.

Top Values Display

- Card Visualization: Used to display top values like total revenue, total pizzas sold, total orders, average order cost, and average pizzas per order.
( Optionally added next to the cards from the system to enhance visual appeal)

  • Busiest Days and Sales Performance: Text boxes are used to highlight key information derived from the dashboard. For instance, orders are highest on Fridays and in July, while the classic category contributed maximum sales.

Total Order by Day

- Bar Graph: Shows the total revenue made per day.
- Procedure:
1. Go to `Home` -> `Transform Data`.
2. Select the `Order Date`.
3. Add a new column:
— `Add Column` -> `Day Name` or `Day` (to get the day number).


- Area Chart: Used for monthly data visualization to show trends in orders over time.
- Pie Charts: Displayed using the pizza category as the legend and revenue to show the proportion of sales by category.
- Funnel Visualization: Used to show total pizza by category, providing a clear visual of the distribution of sales across different pizza types.


- Date Range and Category: Inserted using the slicer from the visualization pane and styled as a dropdown. This allows users to filter the data based on date ranges and pizza categories.

Navigation Buttons

- Buttons: Inserted using:
— `Insert` -> `Buttons` -> `Navigator` -> `Page Navigator`
— Configuration: Select the page to link the button to.

Best and Worst Sellers Page

This page provides insights into the best and worst-performing pizzas based on revenue, quantity sold, and number of orders.


- Top 5 Pizzas by Revenue: Bar chart showing the top 5 pizzas generating the highest revenue.
- Top 5 Pizzas Sold by Quantity: Bar chart displaying the top 5 pizzas sold in terms of quantity.
- Top 5 Pizzas Sold by Orders: Bar chart representing the top 5 pizzas sold based on the number of orders.

- Bottom 5 Pizzas by Revenue: Bar chart showing the bottom 5 pizzas generating the least revenue.
- Bottom 5 Pizzas Sold by Quantity: Bar chart displaying the bottom 5 pizzas sold in terms of quantity.
- Bottom 5 Pizzas Sold by Orders: Bar chart representing the bottom 5 pizzas sold based on the number of orders.

Measures and Calculations

Several new measures were created from the table to facilitate the visualizations:

- Avg Order Cost: `[Total Revenue] / [Total Order]`
- Avg Pizza per Order: `[Total Pizza Sold] / [Total Order]`
- Order Day: `UPPER(LEFT(pizza_sales_csv_file[Day Name], 3))`
- Total Order: `DISTINCTCOUNT(pizza_sales_csv_file[order_id])`
- Total Pizza Sold: `SUM(pizza_sales_csv_file[quantity])`
- Total Revenue: `SUM(pizza_sales_csv_file[total_price])`


By following this tutorial, you will learn how to create a comprehensive Power BI dashboard that effectively displays key performance indicators and visualizations for pizza sales data. This project not only helps in understanding the sales performance but also in making informed decisions based on the data insights. The dynamic dashboard is an excellent tool for data analysis and visualization, providing a clear and interactive way to interpret complex data sets.

