Output Parsers in LangChain: Pydantic (JSON) Parsing

Shubham Shardul
3 min readDec 18, 2023


In the realm of language models, where responses often manifest as raw text, the need for structured and meaningful information is ever-present. Enter the realm of output parsers — specialized classes within LangChain designed to bring order to the output chaos. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the PydanticOutputParser, a key player in structuring language model responses into a coherent, JSON-like format.

Decoding the Purpose of Output Parsers:

At the heart of language model interactions lies the challenge of extracting more than just plain text. Output parsers are the unsung heroes that address this need. These classes serve as architects, transforming unstructured responses into organized, meaningful structures. To achieve this, an output parser must implement two fundamental methods:

Get Format Instructions:

  • This method returns a string containing instructions on how the output should be formatted. It provides a roadmap for structuring the language model’s response.


  • The parse method takes the raw response — a string assumed to be generated by a language model — and transforms it into a structured format, making the data more accessible and useful.

Additionally, there’s an optional method:

Parse with Prompt:

  • This method considers both the response string and the prompt that generated the response. It allows the OutputParser to refine or fix the output using information from the prompt. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where a corrective action is needed.


In the LangChain toolkit, the PydanticOutputParser stands out as a versatile and powerful tool. Leveraging the Pydantic library, it specializes in JSON parsing, offering a structured way to represent language model outputs. Let’s unpack the journey into Pydantic (JSON) parsing with a practical example.

  • Defining the Desired Data Structure:

Imagine we’re in pursuit of structured information about jokes generated by a language model. Pydantic allows us to define a simple yet expressive data structure:

This structure encapsulates the essence of a joke, complete with a setup and punchline.

  • Setting Up the Parser and Crafting the Conversation:

With the data structure defined, we set up the PydanticOutputParser and craft a conversational prompt using LangChain’s templates. This prepares the language model to respond in a way that aligns with the desired data structure:

  • Parsing the Output: Transforming Text into Meaning

Engaging with the language model using the prepared prompt, we receive a raw response. This is where the PydanticOutputParser comes into play:

The once unstructured response is now transformed into a structured, JSON-like object.

  • Accessing the Data: Unveiling the Joke

With our structured data at hand, we can easily access the setup and punchline of the joke:

Conclusion: Harnessing LangChain’s Output Parsing Prowess

As we conclude our exploration into the world of output parsers, the PydanticOutputParser emerges as a valuable asset in the LangChain arsenal. By seamlessly bridging the gap between raw text and organized, JSON-like structures, LangChain empowers users to extract valuable insights with precision and ease. By transforming language model outputs into structured information, LangChain propels us toward a future where the data generated is not just strings but meaningful, structured insights.



Shubham Shardul

Advanced App Engineering Analyst - Accenture | Data and AI Engineer | Java FullStack Developer | Working on GenAI