Part 2 — Basic Syntax

shubham chhimpa
1 min readMay 25, 2019


Hello guyz ! I am Shubham Chhimpa a.k.a DeveloperGuruji.

🔴How to write Hello World on Console in python 3 ?
✅Here is the basic Hello World Program
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🔴Wait What! only one line?
✅Yes, only one line needed for printing “Hello World” on console.

“There is no need of main() function in python 3 like other languages such as C++ and JAVA”

🔴What if i need main() function then how can write that, is there any way?
✅Yes,of course we can write main() as shown below.

🔴How to write comments in python 3?
✅Below is an example to write comments in python 3.
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🔴Is white space in python 3 matters
✅Yes, if you use either more or less white space in python 3 it will give you error as shown below.
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Here is the next PART 3 — Variable Types

