The Ultimate Guide and Do’s and Dont’s to Kid-Friendly Design & Learning Adventures!

Shubham Gupta
5 min readFeb 19, 2024


Over the past 4 years, I have been preparing content for Kids Universe. My journey in the kids’ animation industry has been marked by invaluable lessons and insights.

Here are some key learnings we should take care of while creating the designs for Kids.

1. Visual Exploration


Visual design or forms should be made in curves and rounds, avoid sharp shapes designs.

These gentle contours not only appeal to the eye but also evoke a sense of comfort and approachability, fostering a welcoming environment that resonates with our audience, particularly children. By steering clear of harsh angles and embracing softer forms, we infuse our designs with a sense of whimsy and charm, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in a world that feels both inviting and delightful.

Difference between Sharp shape and Curved shape design

Color palette

Opt for bright hues palette that capture attention for visual communication, emphasizing the CTA (call to action) with colors and animations.

By embracing a lively color palette, you can create an engaging visual experience that not only captivates but also guides children through interactive content with clarity and excitement.

Bright colour palette
Bright color palette

Large and Touch-Friendly Buttons

Design buttons and interactive elements that are large and easy for small fingers to tap on touchscreens. Ensure that there is enough space between elements to prevent accidental taps.

Ex- Large button
Ex- Large button (mobile UI)

Animation and Sound

Interface should involve playful animation with sound, this increases kids’ attention towards the screen.

Each animated movement accompanied by delightful sound effects creates a multisensory experience that not only entertains but also stimulates curiosity and engagement. It’s the secret that turns a simple screen into a vibrant playground, where every click, swipe, and tap becomes an adventure waiting to be explored.

2. Kid-Friendly Universe

The interface should include kids’ cartoon characters or surroundings of kids’ related assets, this enhances engagement as kids can relate to themself.

By featuring kid-friendly assets and characters, the interface becomes a welcoming playground where children can see themselves reflected, forming an instant bond with the content. This relatability not only enhances their overall experience but also strengthens the emotional connection between the characters and the audience, creating a dynamic and immersive environment that sparks imagination and joy.

Some Kid favorite characters

3. Micro interaction

Micro-interactions are the delightful little touches that make our interface come alive! From gentle vibrations to playful sounds, catchy jingles, and charming animations, these tiny details add a whole new layer of engagement. Picture confetti pop-ups celebrating every achievement.

These interactions not only enhance the user experience but also create a dynamic and immersive environment that keeps kids eagerly exploring for more surprises around every corner.

For instance—Bob the Builder (theme song)

4. Simple design

Simplicity is key when it comes to designing interfaces for kids. Interface design should be less cluttered and clean which ensures that young users can navigate effortlessly, minimizing decision-making time and maximizing engagement. A streamlined interface allows children to focus on the content and activities without distractions, creating a seamless and enjoyable user experience that encourages exploration and learning.

5. Rewards points

While reward points may not significantly impact children’s mentality, it’s crucial to ensure that the tasks they engage in are both stimulating and rewarding. By offering challenges that inspire a sense of accomplishment and progress, children are more likely to feel motivated and satisfied, fostering a positive attitude towards learning and exploration. Ultimately, it’s about creating intrinsically rewarding experiences and encouraging a sense of achievement, rather than solely relying on external rewards.

6. Learning

Learning is an important part in creating the design for kids and should be intact throughout the design and interactions.

It’s not just about imparting knowledge; rather, it’s about fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for exploration. From captivating storytelling to engaging games and interactive puzzles, every element of the design serves as a pathway for children to learn and grow. By seamlessly integrating learning opportunities into every interaction, we empower young minds to discover, understand, and delight in the world around them, ensuring that education remains an intrinsic and joyful part of their journey.

7. Feedback

Encouragement should involved in feedback when kids complete tasks. By acknowledging their efforts and celebrating their achievements, we not only foster a sense of accomplishment but also boost their confidence and motivation to tackle new challenges. It’s a powerful tool in our arsenal, guiding children on their learning journey with a sprinkle of positivity and a dash of encouragement at every step.

Things to Avoid When Creating Designs for Kids

Don’t Promote Violence

In our designs, we consciously avoid promoting violence in any form. Whether in storyline, character interactions, or visual elements, messages of conflict resolution and empathy take precedence. Children are impressionable, and by fostering a culture of peace and understanding, we contribute to their emotional development constructively.

Prohibited Elements

Here are some elements that are strictly prohibited

Blood, Sharp things interactions, Fire, taking pills, promoting driving vehicles, use of kitchen appliances in the absence of parents, etc.

We steer clear of depictions involving blood, sharp objects, fire, unsupervised use of kitchen appliances, or any activities that may encourage risky behavior. Safety and responsible conduct are paramount, and our content reflects these values.

Some ex. of prohibited activities


Designing animations for children is a privilege and a responsibility. By embracing these key considerations, we can create immersive, enriching experiences that leave a lasting positive impact on young hearts and minds. Let us continue to innovate and collaborate, shaping a brighter, more imaginative future for the next generation.

