Crack Your Next iOS Interview Part 1: Comprehensive Guide with Real Interview Questions:

Shubham Sanghavi
7 min readSep 14, 2024


1.Do lazy variables get evaluated multiple times?:

Lazy variables, also known as lazy properties, are variables that are not initialized until they are first accessed. This approach can improve performance in scenarios where the variable’s value is expensive to calculate and not always needed.

Single Computation:

  • Most common behavior: Lazy variables are typically computed only once when they are first accessed. Subsequent accesses retrieve the cached value, avoiding unnecessary recalculation.

Multiple Computations:

  • Reassignment: If the lazy variable is reassigned a new value after its initial computation, it will be computed again when accessed subsequently.


class MyClass {
var lazyProperty: Int = {
print("Calculating lazy property")
return 42
let instance = MyClass()
// First access: lazy property is computed
print(instance.lazyProperty) // Output: Calculating lazy property, 42
// Second access: cached value is used
print(instance.lazyProperty) // Output: 42
// Reassigning the lazy property triggers recomputation
instance.lazyProperty = 100
print(instance.lazyProperty) // Output: Calculating lazy property, 100

Effects of Recomputation:

  • Performance Impact: Recomputation can introduce performance overhead, especially for expensive calculations.

2. How to create Optional methods in Protocol?

Different ways to create optional methods in protocols in Swift:

1. Using a Default Implementation:

  • If you want to provide a default implementation for an optional method, you can do so within the protocol itself.
  • This ensures that conforming types that don’t provide their own implementation will use the default one.
protocol MyProtocol {
func requiredMethod()
func optionalMethod() {
// Default implementation

2.Using an Extension:

  • Create an extension on the protocol and declare the method as optional within the extension.
  • This provides a way to add optional methods to existing protocols without modifying their original declaration.
protocol MyProtocol {
func requiredMethod()
extension MyProtocol {
optional func optionalMethod()

3. Using the @available Attribute:

  • This approach allows you to make methods optional based on platform availability or other conditions.
  • Use the @available attribute with the unavailable or deprecated value.
protocol MyProtocol {
func requiredMethod()
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func optionalMethod()

4. Using the optional Keyword:

  • This is the most direct and commonly used approach.
  • Simply prefix the method declaration with the optional keyword.
protocol MyProtocol {
func requiredMethod()
optional func optionalMethod()

Choosing the Right Approach:

  • optional keyword: Use this for general-purpose optional methods.
  • @available attribute: Use this when the method's availability depends on platform or other conditions.
  • Extension: Use this to add optional methods to existing protocols without modifying their original declaration.
  • Default implementation: Use this when you want to provide a default behavior for optional methods.

3.Different ways to pass data from one app to another app:

1. URL Schemes:

  • Define custom URL schemes in each app’s Info.plist file.
  • Use openURL(_:) in one app to open a specific URL in the other app.
  • Encode the data to be passed in the URL query parameters.

2. Inter-App Communication (IAP):

  • Use extensionContext and reply(_:completion:) to send data between extensions and their containing apps.
  • This method is primarily used for extensions like Today widgets, app badges, and share extensions.

3. App Extensions:

  • Create an app extension (e.g., Today widget, Share extension) that can be used by other apps.
  • The extension can receive data from the host app and pass it back or perform actions on behalf of the host app.

4. External Services:

  • Use an external service (e.g., Firebase, Parse) to facilitate communication between apps.
  • The service can act as a middleman, receiving data from one app and sending it to the other.

5. App Groups:

  • Create app groups in the capabilities section of each app’s target.
  • Use NSUserDefaults or other shared storage mechanisms to store and access data within the app group.
  • This approach is suitable for sharing data between apps from the same developer.

6. Custom Protocols:

  • Define custom protocols and implement them in both apps.
  • Use delegates or callbacks to pass data between apps.
  • This method is suitable for more complex data sharing scenarios.

4.What is Dependency Injection and what are it’s advantages?

Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that promotes loose coupling between classes by passing dependencies (objects that a class needs to function) to a class rather than having the class create them itself. This approach enhances modularity, testability, and maintainability of your code.

1. Constructor injection:

This involves passing dependencies into a class’s init. For example, if a class depends on a network client, you can inject the client into the class’s init:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
let networkClient: NetworkClient

init(networkClient: NetworkClient) {
self.networkClient = networkClient
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

// ...

2. Property injection:

This involves passing dependencies through properties. Note that Property injection requires the dependency to be optional, which can make the code more error-prone. For example:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
var networkClient: NetworkClient?

// ...

3. Method injection:

This involves passing dependencies into a method when it’s called. For example:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
func fetchData(using networkClient: NetworkClient) {
// ...

// ...

4.”Can you explain the features and use cases of various URLSession sessions and tasks?"

Types of Sessions:

  1. Default Session:
  • The most common type of session.
  • Used for general-purpose network requests.
  • Shares a common configuration with other default sessions.
  • Suitable for most network tasks.
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default

2. Background Session:

  • Designed for long-running tasks that should continue even when the app is in the background.
  • Can be used for file downloads, uploads, and other tasks that require extended execution time.
  • Provides callbacks for completion and progress updates.
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "com.example.background")

3. Ephemeral Session:

  • Creates a new session configuration for each request.
  • Does not persist any data or cookies between requests.
  • Ideal for privacy-sensitive applications or when you want to avoid caching issues.
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral

Types of Tasks:

  1. Data Task:
  • Used for fetching data from a URL.
  • Returns the data as a Data object.
  • Can be used for downloading files, retrieving JSON data, and more.
session.dataTask(with: <URLRequest>, completionHandler: <(Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void>)

2. Download Task:

  • Specifically designed for downloading files.
  • Provides progress updates and completion handlers.
  • Can resume downloads if interrupted.
session.downloadTask(with: <URLRequest>, completionHandler: <(URL?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void>)

3. Upload Task:

  • Used for uploading data to a server.
  • Can upload files or other data.
  • Provides progress updates and completion handlers.
session.uploadTask(with: <URLRequest>, from: <Data?>, completionHandler: <(Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void>)

4. WebSocket Task: This task is used to establish a WebSocket connection to a URL. It allows bidirectional communication between the client and server in real time. Here is the method syntax:

session.webSocketTask(with: <URL>)

5. When would you choose to use dynamic libraries instead of static libraries in an iOS project?

Dynamic Libraries vs. Static Libraries: When to Choose Dynamic

In iOS development, both dynamic and static libraries are used to organize and reuse code. While static libraries are linked directly into the executable at build time, dynamic libraries are loaded at runtime. Here’s when you might choose to use dynamic libraries:

1. Code Reusability:

  • Multiple Apps: If you have code that needs to be shared across multiple apps, dynamic libraries offer a more efficient way to do so. You can create a single dynamic library and link it into all the apps that need it, avoiding code duplication.

2. Performance:

  • Reduced App Size: Dynamic libraries are not linked into the app at build time, so they don’t increase the app’s size. This can be beneficial for apps with limited storage space.

3. Platform-Specific Code:

  • Different Architectures: If your code needs to be compiled for different architectures (e.g., ARM and x86), dynamic libraries can help you manage platform-specific code more efficiently.

6. How are static libraries fast for app launch time?

Static libraries can contribute to faster app launch times in several ways:

Direct Linking: Static libraries are linked directly into the app’s executable at build time. This means that the code from the library is already part of the app’s binary, eliminating the need for the runtime to load it separately. This can reduce the time it takes for the app to start.

Reduced Runtime Overhead: When using static libraries, there’s no need for the runtime to perform additional tasks like loading and initializing dynamic libraries. This can result in a slight performance boost, especially for smaller apps.

Optimized Code: Static libraries can be optimized for specific architectures and platforms during the build process. This can help to improve their performance and reduce the overall size of the app.

7.How are dynamic libraries different from static libraries in terms of memory usage?

Dynamic vs. Static Libraries: Memory Usage

The memory usage of dynamic and static libraries can vary depending on specific factors, but generally:

Static Libraries:

  • Linked at Build Time: Static libraries are linked directly into the app’s executable at build time. This means their code is part of the app’s binary.
  • Memory :The entire content of a static library is loaded into memory when the app starts. This can increase the app’s initial memory usage.
  • Redundancy: If multiple apps use the same static library, each app will have its own copy of the library’s code in memory. This can lead to increased memory.

Dynamic Libraries:

  • Loaded at Runtime: Dynamic libraries are loaded into memory only when they are needed by the app at runtime.
  • Shared Memory: Multiple apps can share the same dynamic library in memory, reducing redundancy and saving memory.
  • Lazy Loading: iOS’s dynamic linker can delay the loading of dynamic libraries until they are actually needed, further optimizing memory usage.

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