Shubhangi Sainaam
3 min readAug 19, 2021


Anyone who has gone through the torment of losing a pet would know the hardships that come with it. How it feels when people just ask you about when you’re going to ‘get another one’ or something like ‘it was probably for the best’. It is just as offensive to say about pets as it is to say about an old person. Losing a pet is emotionally devastating, yet our society fails to acknowledge the kind of impairment it causes to one.

Although it is only natural for them to leave, it feels far from it. The void that losing them leaves in our hearts is quite hard to fill. As psychologist Julie Axelrod writes in a blog post the loss of a dog is so painful because people are losing a little life that we were responsible for as well as a source of unconditional love and companionship

A friend hugging another friend

It is not easy to know what to say to someone in this situation but offering some support is only human. One can’t get past this alone, even if you might feel that way. Studies have found that social support is a crucial ingredient in recovering from grief of all kinds

Many people prefer to isolate themselves and hope to heal but I believe denying to deal with emotions would be the worst way to go about it.

Sometimes you might have people around yet not have anyone truly feel or empathise the loss in your life. Everyone has to deal with grief sometime, and most people take their own time. But if you’re under stress or trying to deal with other serious problems at the same time, it is understood that it can be overwhelming. If your sadness is intense or you think you’re upset about more than the death of your pet, there is no problem with seeing a professional counsellor or therapist. There is no shame in feeling the severity of pain one does just because the society doesn’t validate that.

Many animal clinics over the world offer bereavement groups for pet owners which is just as same a normal bereavement group for people who’ve lost their loved ones. Support groups would undoubtedly be the right place to confide in as it will provide your loss the recognition, consideration and support it deserves along with people to empathise with.

Hence it is up for you to choose the people you want to surround yourself with and especially in these difficult times. “It is necessary and vital to set standards for your life and the people you allow in it” ~Mandy Hale

Following are the resources you can reach out

Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
The American Veterinary Medical Association
The Pet Loss Grief Support Web Site
Harmony Animal Hospital
The Rainbow Bridge

