Day 30 — The finale

Shubham Tiwari
3 min readNov 30, 2023


On 1st of November 2023, I decided to take the 30 days writing challenge. I wanted to do something similar to 75 days hard challenge and 30 days daily vlog challenge. People who do 75 days hard challenge do it to transform their body. After doing 30 days writing challenge, I realized that it transforms the mind. Through the last day’s article I wanted to share all my experiences that happened while doing the challenge.

I Ran Out Of Topics To Write

For the first few days, I had enough content to write. Soon I realized that I don’t have anything good to write. That was a time I felt demotivated about writing further. But since it was a challenge, I continued it. For one or two days, I wrote a story just to continue my streak. That’s why I wrote articles like my diwali experiences. After continuing the streak, content started coming to my mind again.

It helped me discover myself

The articles that I wrote did more benefits to me than the readers. Each article helped me discover myself. It helped me in articulating my past experiences to well defined learnings. By writing the articles I got a chance to know myself better. I was able to come up with two three days series. First one was the trilogy of getting the faith back, finding the purpose and working hard. The second one was how to hardly work series. The knowledge was accumulation of my experiences and my textbook knowledge.

Something Interesting Happened

When I ran out of content after few days, I tried to write an article on some topic. After completing two paragraphs, I felt that this article is a waste of time and will not be of any use for anyone. But since I had already completed two paragraphs, I decided to continue it to the end. Interesting thing happened when I posted the article.

The article that I considered waste end up getting praises from many people. My friend told me that this was the best article in the series. This happened to me at multiple occasions during the challenge. Whenever I thought something to be useless, it was liked more than the articles I considered useful. This was the most interesting thing that happened to me during the challenge.

My Mind became Free

Sharing the experience verbally to the people is a less effective. The reason why this happens is while having conversations, people prefer to talk more and listen less. Everyone wants to share their experiences, but no one wants to listen to them.

Sharing the experiences via articles is much better than sharing it verbally. While writing I was sharing my experiences without considering if someone is listening or not. Doing this freed up my mind. I no longer feel urge to share my experiences. Nor do those experiences cross my mind in form of thoughts. This freed up my mind and simplified my conversations.

It Felt Good

Writing an article everyday became the best part of my day. It felt so good writing each article. I was in flow while writing them. During initial days, it took an hour to write one article. By the end of the challenge, I was able to finish it off in 35–40 minutes. Initially, I used to think more about what to write. By the end of the challenge, words started flowing easily. I was happy about all these things.

People were noticing the challenge, but readers were less

Every friend and relative of mine asked about the challenge to me when we met imperson. I didn’t know if they will care about the challenge. It turned out they cared about it. They were noticing it. The only sad part was that they were noticing it but not reading it. When I asked them if they are reading it, some made excuses and some admitted that they are not reading it.


30 Days writing challenge turned out to be a great for me. It made me discover myself. It made me happy. It freed up my mind. It made me realise my biases. I recommend everyone to try the challenge to transform your mind.

