When You Don’t Feel Like Even Getting Up

We All Feel Like That Sometimes

Shubhi Singh
Meditation, Mindfulness and Minimalism
2 min readApr 10, 2022


Photo by Luis Fernandes

There are days when you just don’t feel like getting up. You don’t want to do anything. You don’t want to put any efforts. You just don’t feel good. It happens with me sometimes. There are days when don’t know what is wrong. Today is one of such days. I am here writing about it. If I have to write about something, this is what is on my mind. I can’t possibly think of something else to write right now.

Keep reading if you sometimes feel the same. I know you do, because everyone does! As you keep reading, you would expect some kind of advice. Let’s get to that right away. Shall we? When you feel like this, let it be. Don’t try to make yourself happy. Don’t pressure yourself into not feeling this way. Let yourself free from any expectations.

It is fine to sometimes feel lost, not having the motivation and willingness to do anything, not even to cheer yourself up.

Even on such days, there has to be an acceptance. You have been better. But nobody feels motivated and happy all the time. Sometimes, we sort of get tired. Give yourself some rest. No expectations. Let this day be the way it is. Let yourself be the way you are.

Tomorrow will be another day.

Till then, accept the moment that is here right now.

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Shubhi Singh
Meditation, Mindfulness and Minimalism

Top Writer in Sustainability and Climate Change| Advanced Meditator| Leads a zero waste lifestyle| Owns Doon Yoga (doonyoga.com)| MBA-IIM Indore