
3 min readJun 8, 2018


Part 5 — Distance

“Sitting at an airport looking out at the runway from the terminal windows at Heathrow Airport.” by Rob Bye on Unsplash

If you reached here to read , you need to read the first four parts of the story. This link will take you to the beginning of the story : Part 1

The worst form of regret appears when you realize that the power of decision making was not in your hands.

Days wandered into years as time lost track of the gulf created in the relationship that there was previously, now not to be. Karan took to his studies more seriously than ever, smashing records in the academic arena. He went on to graduate from one of the most prestigious medical colleges in the country. Furthering into his career, he looked to the west at new opportunities in a bid to start-off from the scratch. His life had never been the same, once Ronit became alien to his surroundings. He tried to accompany many people and gained the confidence of some, but none could come close to the vicinity of the bond they both shared.

Karan became skeptical of the conversations he shared with people, distrusting them veiled by the fact that somebody could hurt his emotions again. It mechanical to the point where he planned his conversations to understand people and their psyche, if they sort of fit his bill of requirements for the friend he was looking for.

On the other hand, Ronit completed his master in business administration. A seven-figure salary, a table at the office by the sea and workaholism in his blood stream. He toiled his daydream to become the norm of a day. In hindsight, he felt the uneasiness of getting through tough situations alone, remembering the times when Karan had him covered for his academics. On most days the investment banker would slog a minimum of 15 hours, weekends were worse as work kept him busy but free time didn’t mean much. He hardly could call anyone apart from his girlfriend, his parents didn’t live enough to see his dream live its life. He hoped a whiff of sunshine someday would bring the estranged phone call of Karan to life, he always had his contact, even though he changed it 5 times, managing to update it somehow every time from somewhere.

The appraisal email brought along promotion for Ronit. The firm felt he was a “High Potential- High Performance” employee who delivered continually in his role here. He needed to step up to the next level at Bristol in UK. The salary grew a manifold. Flight tickets were booked for the 13th of April 3 am. Karan received the letter from an esteemed University in the U.S, they offered to waiver 15% of his total fees for the tenure and wished to see him by 20th July. Anu was elated, they booked tickets for Karan to leave on 13th April 2 am. Incidentally this happened to be Karan’s birthday, the first one he would celebrate over a flight journey.

Ronit grabbed a trolley to put all his luggage at one place. He cleared the check-in proceedings. Flights could be one of the few things, he would pay to avoid, but Ronit had to do it. He grabbed a Cappuccino & Business Magazine. He heard a familiar voice ordering a blueberry pastry and a latte across the counter. Turned around to see the person to whom he had stalked his life for, through his Facebook feeds, Instagram pages & even LinkedIn. If there was any face he would like to see, it was Karan’s. “Why is he ordering a pastry…What is the date today…Damn it’s his birthday. Wait where is he going? Is he coming to UK?” silent prayers absorbed Ronit as he walked towards Karan. “Care to share a bite?” asked a jovial Ronit. Karan’s face turned red as he looked up to see the only person he least expected to appear at that time. Ronit, just like the old times, picked up a piece as he asked for it. “Never” replied Karan.

