The Ultimate Guide to Java Concurrency (Threads vs Processes)

Shubhranshu Gupta
3 min readJul 2, 2024

When it comes to concurrent programming in Java, understanding the fundamental concepts of processes and threads is essential. Both play crucial roles in executing tasks concurrently, but they have distinct characteristics and memory structures. In this blog, we will delve into the differences between processes and threads and their memory structures to provide a clear understanding of how they function in Java.

What is a Process?

A process is an independent program in execution with its own memory space. It is an instance of a computer program that contains the program code and its current activity. A process has its own resources such as memory, file handles, and security attributes. When you run a Java application, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) itself runs as a process.

Characteristics of a Process:

  • Independent Execution: Each process runs independently of other processes.
  • Own Memory Space: A process has its own memory space, including heap, stack, and method areas.
  • Resource-Intensive: Creating and managing processes is resource-intensive because they require significant overhead.
  • Inter-Process Communication (IPC): Processes communicate with each other through IPC mechanisms like pipes, sockets, and shared memory.

What is a Thread?

A thread is the smallest unit of execution within a process. It is a lightweight sub-process that shares the same memory space of the process it belongs to. In Java, threads are used to perform concurrent tasks within a single process. Java provides built-in support for multi-threading through the java.lang.Thread class and the java.util.concurrent package.

Characteristics of a Thread:

  • Shared Memory: Threads within the same process share the same memory space, including the heap and method area.
  • Lightweight: Creating and managing threads is less resource-intensive compared to processes.
  • Concurrent Execution: Threads run concurrently, enabling multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously within a single process.
  • Context Switching: Switching between threads is faster and more efficient than switching between processes.

Differences Between Process and Thread

| Aspect | Process | Thread |
| Definition | An independent program in execution. | The smallest unit of execution within a process. |
| Memory Space | Has its own memory space. | Shares memory space with other threads in the same process. |
| Creation | Resource-intensive. | Lightweight and less resource-intensive. |
| Execution | Runs independently of other processes. | Runs concurrently with other threads in the same process. |
| Communication | Uses IPC mechanisms. | Shares data directly through shared memory. |
| Context Switching | Slower and more resource-intensive. | Faster and more efficient. |

Memory Structure of Thread and Process

Memory Structure

Code Segment

  • Contains machine code of Java program.
  • It is read-only.
  • All threads within the same process share the same code segment.

Data Segment

  • It contains all Global and Static variables.
  • All threads within the same process share the same code segment.
  • Thread can read and modify the value.

PC Register

  • Program counter registers that keep track of the execution point.
  • Each thread has its own program counter register to keep track of its execution point.


  • Used for dynamic memory allocation, where objects are stored.
  • Threads share the heap allowing them to access the same objects and classes.
  • Threads can read and modify objects, which requires synchronization.


  • Stores local variables and function call information.
  • Each thread has its own stack for storing local variables and method call information.


Understanding the differences between processes and threads is fundamental for effective concurrent programming in Java. Processes are heavyweight, independent units of execution with their own memory space, while threads are lightweight, concurrent units that share the memory space of their parent process. Each has its advantages and appropriate use cases, and knowing when to use processes versus threads can greatly enhance the performance and efficiency of your Java applications.


