Do you want to be in 10% from 90%? Then read this.

Shujaat Ali Khan
6 min readMay 1, 2023

Imagine at a certain age you want to become a successful person while the government is the same the taxes are the same, negative relatives are the same and everything else is about the same. I would feel necessary to mention that it can’t happen accidentally, or while sitting at home relaxing in an air-conditioned room. It may take years of effort. Without further ado let’s get into five must-know principles for success.

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1. Philosophy

The person can take start by changing his philosophy. Start amending your errors. Mark your weaknesses. Focus on why you are not getting the desired results. What’s holding you away from success? This is the most valuable hack to become more successful in life. This can generate tons of money if you keep working on it consistently. I don’t want the day to come someday somebody says you should have read this article about 10 years ago. Now I am telling you you should work on your craft.

Start reading yourself. You should not miss a trick. A day will come when you will be able to deliver what the people demand. You will stand out in the market with a totally different point of view. It can happen to a housewife, a person with or without a job, a teenager, or an adult. No matter who you are or what’s your status in the society. This process is called personal change.

You don’t need to change the country but you do have to change the philosophy and if you change the philosophy, not the country you can turn around your income. You can turn around your bank account. You can turn around your skills. You can become capable powerful sophisticated, healthy influential, and all the other equities that you could possibly want. So change your mindset and convert your ideas into actions because GOD says in Holy Quran:

All you need is to put all the efforts in your work and leave the results to me.

2. Attitude

Out of the five major principles for success number two is attitude. You are affected by how you feel. What decision do you make? It’s how you feel about the past. You got to have a good attitude about the past and use it as a school, not a club. Don’t beat yourself to death with your past failures. What else is new? let the past be a school schoolmaster to teach you not to threaten you but to teach you next it’s how you feel about the future.

Photo by Mert Talay on Unsplash

Set your goals. Goal setting promise of the future is an awesome force to affect your everyday life. Without future planning, we take hesitant steps. Do you have to have hesitant steps for six years? You will be timidly driven into a corner if you are not boldly willing to grab the portion the share that you want.

Next is how you feel about everybody else because it takes everybody else to make a market, a family, a community, and a nation. It takes all of us to make a powerful economy. One person can’t make a family, a business, a corporation, and a nation.

The last one is how you feel about yourself. Understanding self-worth is the beginning of success. Believe me, self-worth is the easy chapter to think. If one of us can do it all of us can do it. If anybody can think it we all can think it. If I can read you can read if I can understand you can understand. Things can change from worst to best if you understand this process and it takes time because GOD sets different plans for every human being. That’s the attitude about yourself. GOD says in Holy Quran:

And this is me who decides when where and how it would happen. If I wishes to do what I want I just say, “Be! and it is.”

3. Activity

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

This is the work part the labor part taking action. The activity is the miracle working piece a miracle being something we don’t quite understand. How it works doesn’t mean it doesn’t work because GOD says your responsibility is to try leave the result to me. So don’t think about failure or how will it go. You can’t have a tree if you didn’t plant the seed. The miracle of this stuff has already been set up. GOD has the miracle. GOD has set the seasons, sunshine, and rain. So if you want to see the miracle then then plant and see what happens. It’s called activity. The soil will take care of its part, and the seasons will take care of their part, the miracle will take care of its part and if you take care of your part which is called putting it into activity action then the miracle works.

Turning wisdom from your philosophy and inspiration, strengthening of attitude faith courage, commitment all this stuff that comes from attitude. If you are willing to take these two qualities philosophy and attitude and invest them into activity then you can have a miracle.

Anything short of that no miracle wisdom doesn’t perform a miracle, attitude doesn’t perform the miracle, the only thing that performs the miracle of increase called equity and that’s called putting wisdom and attitude into discipline into labor and this labor can now perform a miracle. Here are the key points that can lead you to the path of success.

  • Do what you can in your possible resources
  • Do the best you can.

4. Results

Results Every once in a while you got to take a measure see how you are doing with these three pieces philosophy, attitude, and activity. This stage is called result. What are the results at the end of the day. You can’t let too much time go by without checking. Let’s suppose you are at the age 40. In this lifespan.

  • How much money did you save and invest?
  • What was the outcome of your goals?
  • Are you satisfied with your efforts?

Choosing the right plan in your life is also very important and that’s the basic principle of a good result. Let’s a person is in his 50s and he is still broke what a sad scenario would it be. Its because his plan was wrong but he was the right guy. Therefore choose the plan wisely.

5. Lifestyle

Photo by Ben Duchac on Unsplash

Lifestyle is simply learning how to live well. To better understand the ultimate challenge of life let’s take an example of a person when he was 25 years old. How hard would it be after applying better philosophy, attitude, activity and picking now up results which were to fashion, good word to jot down fashion, fashion for himself lifestyle or what we call a good life. The ultimate challenge was to obtain the outcome, take the money, take the return, take the equities he had gathered, and now fashion for himself. A good life like weaving a tapestry.

Always remember just a single formula for a better lifestyle and that is to make a plan. You have to stick to it. Your plan is a map that will lead you toward a successful life.



Shujaat Ali Khan

Helping businesses through my guest posting, link-building, and content writing services. You can contact me via mail.