Successful Blogger Tips: 8 Proven Techniques to Boost Your Blog’s Traffic

Shujaat Ali Khan
2 min readMay 3, 2023
Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

Do you know practicing these SEO tips can skyrocket your blog’s traffic by 10x? Today we’ll learn eight SEO best practices that would be invaluable for your business.

In today’s digital world, the need to develop good SEO strategies is on the rise. To make your website stand out in the search results, you need to practice these SEO strategies to become more visible in Google’s search results and get a better-targeted audience.

Here are the 8 key points that can help you to improve search rankings.

1. Research and Use Relevant Keywords

Perform keyword research to spot relevant keywords that your target audience is seeking, and use those keywords in your website content, page titles, meta descriptions, and headers. Don’t forget to make use of relevant hashtags for a better reach and to improve SEO in search results.

2. Optimize Your Website

Assure that your website is optimized for search engines by ensuring it loads quickly, has quality content, is mobile-friendly, and has a clear structure.

3. Build Quality Backlinks

Aim for building quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. This will increase your website’s authority and improve its visibility on search engine results pages.

4. Make proper use of social media

Use social media platforms like Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, TikTok, and many others as well to promote your content and engage with your target audience.

I will recommend you promote your content on LinkedIn since the average lifespan for a post that you share on LinkedIn is 2 days which is a plus point for beginners and there are a lot of professionals that can engage with your content. This will not only drive traffic to your website but also improve your website’s search engine ranking.

5. Produce Quality Content

Try to make the finest-quality and most appealing content that is relevant to your target audience. Apply related keywords and optimize your content for search engines.

6. Monitor Your Analytics

Keep an eye on your website analytics regularly to spot areas for improvement, such as low-performing pages, high bounce rates, and other factors that may be negatively impacting your search engine ranking.

7. Use Local SEO

If you own a local business, use local SEO tactics to enhance your visibility in local search results. This includes optimizing your website for local keywords, forming Google My Business listings, and developing local citations.

8. Optimizing the Images

Many bloggers and content creators omit this crucial SEO practice. Optimizing the images in your content is extremely important as your targeted keywords and other SEO practices. This small and best SEO practice can make a huge impact in increasing your search rankings on Google.



Shujaat Ali Khan

Helping businesses through my guest posting, link-building, and content writing services. You can contact me via mail.