10 myths about Laser hair removal

Shumaila Akhtar
5 min readAug 19, 2019

Since ages ladies have been looking for effortless and perpetual hair removal arrangements. They attempted nearly everything from shaving razors to culling, stringing and waxing, yet none of them offered a perpetual arrangement. On the off chance that you are additionally not content with these customary hair removal systems, laser hair removal in Islamabad might merit considering. A most recent examination has demonstrated that Laser treatment is one of the most normally looked for corrective techniques everywhere throughout the world.

In spite of ceaseless increment in the prevalence of laser hair removal, there are a few fantasies enveloping the methodology that still keep a ton of competitors from settling on laser treatment. On the off chance that you are likewise befuddled whether you ought to choose the system or not, on the grounds that your companion says it isn’t protected, or the companion or your companion has had a consumed skin, or a relative of yours has disclosed to you it is an over the top expensive technique and you can’t bear the cost of it, keep perusing and you may wind up altering your perspective on Laser treatment.

Here are some regular fantasies and extreme certainties about Laser Hair Removal:

Fantasy # 1: The Lasers Can Damage Your Internal Organs

Actuality: It is just purposeful publicity! The laser bar can’t move to pass a set breaking point, not to mention heat from the laser. Lasers utilized for hair removal reason can infiltrate up to a quarter mm just into your skin, at that point how might it arrive at the inner organs. Laser Hair Removal is an incredibly protected method that has been endorsed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Any symptoms experienced are transitory and die down at their own inside several days.

Legend # 2: The Procedure Is Extremely Painful

Actuality: Most patients experience gentle to direct agony and distress as the laser shafts are made an episode on the skin, yet the inconvenience is particularly endurable. Consuming sensations at the treated zones have additionally been accounted for by the patients however again it is likewise endurable and not out of patients’ torment limit. A great many people contrast these sensations and snapping of an elastic band on the skin. On the off chance that you have been into waxing and tweezing, trust me you will discover laser treatment a practically effortless methodology. All things considered, on the off chance that you have a low agony limit, your specialist may play out the technique in the wake of desensitizing the treatment zone with topical soporific.

Legend # 3: Lasers Don’t Work On Dark Skin and Light Hair

Certainty: Initially lasers were not prescribed to individuals with dull skin since they were at a danger of skin consumes. Be that as it may, with headways in innovation, presently we have lasers that work truly well on individuals with dull skin and light hair. Some more current lasers additionally treat individuals with light skin and light hair. Accordingly, there are no imperatives in Laser Hair Removal any longer. Individuals with dim skin light hair can likewise profit by the remarkable aftereffects of lasers.

Legend # 4: The Procedure Only Works On Face

Certainty: Lasers can be utilized on practically any piece of the body, from face to chest and back to arms and legs. Most ordinarily treated facial territories incorporate jaw and upper lips. On the body, you can successfully utilize lasers to dispose of undesirable hair from neck, hands, feet, arms, legs, chest, back, stomach area and thighs. Underarms and two-piece territories are among the most ordinarily treated regions. The main constraint about lasers is that they are not prescribed for medications around the eyes, as it very well may be hazardous.

Fantasy # 5: Everybody Gets the Same Results

Reality: Again a legend or promulgation of suppliers. Consequences of laser hair removal change extraordinarily starting with one individual then onto the next relying on the skin shading and the shading, type and surface of the hair you need to get expelled. Light hued hairs react the least to laser bars. Then again, thick and coarse dim hairs are best treated with lasers as they ingest most extreme warmth vitality transmitted by laser bars. An individual with dim hair and light skin is considered as a perfect contender for laser hair removal.

Fantasy # 6: Laser Hair Removal Is Recommended During Pregnancy

Truth: During pregnancy estrogen levels ascend in ladies’ body and they experience expanded hair development. This leaves them thinking about whether they can experience laser hair removal or not. While there is no demonstrated proof that laser hair removal isn’t useful for pregnant ladies, impacts of lasers on the infant are as yet obscure. This is the reason specialists prescribe pregnant ladies to hold up until labor.

Myth# 7: Lasers Can Cause Skin Cancer

Reality: This is another unjustifiable, exaggerated legend about lasers. As expressed above, lasers are very sheltered and have FDA’s endorsement. There is no examination that could interface laser hair removal with skin malignant growth.

Fantasy # 8: Only a Single Laser Session Is Enough

Reality: Like all other non-intrusive restorative strategies, laser hair removal additionally needs numerous sessions to get wanted outcomes. By and large 4 to 6 sessions are required for lasting hair removal. Be that as it may, this may shift altogether from individual to individual contingent on the shading and surface of the hair. Dim, coarse hair needs fewer sessions than light-hued, fine hair.

Legend # 9: Results of Laser Hair Removal Are Permanent

Actuality: This is maybe the greatest fantasy encompassing the treatment. Lasers don’t expel hair forever; in certainty, they diminish hair development. Be that as it may, there is a probability that hair may develop after the treatment, yet they will be fine and flimsy. Most patients additionally need medications to keep up results yet they are not visiting. Two sessions in a year are sufficient to keep up the outcomes.

Legend # 10: It Is an Expensive Procedure

Actuality: Laser Hair Removal is somewhat costly yet not to the degree that a normal individual can’t bear the cost of it. Moreover, the cost of treatment differs essentially from one individual to individual and starting with one supplier then onto the next. With advances in innovation, the treatment has turned out to be increasingly reasonable and open. Truth be told the strategy encourages you set aside time and cash since it’s anything but a lifetime system like waxing and stringing.

