How They Got There: Women in STEAM

Anny Weng
2 min readApr 8, 2022

Naimeesha Murthy (Founder, Products by Women)
Angela Chen (Marketing Producer, General Assembly)

Ruchika Sah (Data Scientist, Nielsen)
LaNice Powell (Software Engineer, Newsela)

Yesterday’s event was so powerful that I couldn’t stop thinking about the atmosphere in the air after I woke up on the second day. These brave women use different ways to tell how they face and react to the challenges they had in life.

Ruchika, a data scientist at Nielsen, who had been 15 years of a full-time mother, decided to get back to her career after her children were grown up and then study in college. After experiencing a life of being a data engineer intern, she realized that she’s more interested in being a data scientist and not afraid of learning step by step. For her, a growth mindset is a solid weapon to conquer the difficulty in daily life.

LaNice, a natural-born extroverted woman who pivoted her career from a middle school mathematics teacher to a software engineer now showing her passion for being herself. With the consistency of making progress daily, she keeps learning from others through discussions from meetings with mentors to regularly peers’ community support. “Just ask,” she said; you will learn something from that.

Naimeesha, a founder of Products by Women, embarked on her new journey with FullRitual during the pandemic. As an immigrant WOC-owned brand, Naimeesha keeps thinking about how ritual-based essentials can bring people a peaceful mind, body, and soul. I was impressed by FullRitual’s postcard before the event started. I believe that this appeals to people like me who need more resilient power.

I can feel that they didn’t accept the defeatist attitude or settle for mediocre success. When we aim higher, the second sex has a higher chance to define themselves.

#TheWing #GeneralAssembly #STEAM

