The story of how Arjuna won the greatest weapon of entire universe : The Pashupatastra

Shushant Pudasaini
4 min readApr 30, 2022


Hello guys, today I want to share a story from Mahabharata where Arjuna was able to gain the most powerful weapon in the entire universe, the Pashupatastra.

Pashupatastra is the most destructive and powerful irresistible weapon mentioned in the hindu scriptures. It is an irresistible and the most destructive personal weapon of Lord Shiva, Kali and Aadhi Parashakti which can be discharged by the mind, the eyes, words or a bow. It is said that this weapon must be never used against lesser enemies or by lesser warriors as the pashupatastra can destroy creation and vanquish all beings. This weapon is capable of immense carnage and overpowering all beings. Therefore, it is advised that the pashupatastra should not be used. This dominant weapon is an important aspect of the pashupatinath temple which is located in Kathmandu,Nepal. The pashupatinath temple is believed to be one of the most popular Shiva temples of the world. No known warrior has ever used this mighty weapon in the history of Hinduism but there is a story on how Arjuna got the possession of this weapon with the help of his uncle. Shakuni robbed the Pandavas of their rightful share of their kingdom in a game of dice as a result of this the pandavas had to spend many years in the forest while they were in the forest (saints)Vaidhvyas came to visit the pandavas. Veda Veyas told them that they should pray to lord Shiva but since Arjuna was the best suited amongst the pandavas for worshiping lord Shiva. Veda Veyas taught Arjuna a special mantra. He then asked Arjuna to go to mount Indrakila and pray to Shiva there. Mount Indrakila was on the banks of the river Bhagirathi. Arjuna went to mount Indrakila and made a Shiva Linga out of clay and started to pray to lord Shiva. The news of Arjuna’s wonderful tapasya spread everywhere Arjuna stood on one leg and continually chanted the mantra that Veda Vyas had taught him. Suddenly Arjun saw a boar. Arjuna thought that this boar might have come to distract him from his tapasya or alternatively it might be a relative of the several demons that he had killed in the past and therefore might wish him harm. Thinking this Arjuna picked up his bow and arrow and let fly an arrow at the boar meanwhile lord Shiva had decided to subject Arjuna to a test and he had also arrived at the spot disguised as a hunter. This form of Shiva is often referred to as Kirat avatar. When Arjuna shot an arrow at the bore, so did lord Shiva. Lord Shiva’s arrow struck the boar on its hind side and Arjuna’s arrow struck the boar in its mouth. The boar fell down dead. A dispute started between Arjuna and the hunter about who had killed the boar each claimed it for his own. Soon the argument turned into a fight but whatever weapons were hurled by lord Shiva were easily repelled by Arjuna’s weapons when all the weapons were exhausted the two started to wrestle after the fight had gone on for a while lord Shiva gave up his disguise of a hunter and displayed his true form to Arjuna. Arjuna was ashamed that he had been fighting with the very same person to whom he had been praying. Please forgive me said Arjuna. Shiva accepted Arjuna’s apologies and confronted that he came there to test his skills he then asked Arjuna what he wanted from him. Arjuna wanted the boon that he might obtain glory on earth he said . Oh lord, if you are pleased with me then I humbly ask that you bestow upon me your irresistible personal weapon known as the Pashupatastra. Lord Shiva replied to the son of Kunti, I will give you this weapon you are capable of holding, throwing and withdrawing it. Not even Indra knows the mantra to this weapon what to speak of any other man. However you must only use it against celestial fighters. The Pashupatastra should never be released to lesser enemies or else it may destroy the creation. This weapon is discharged by the mind, eyes, words or a bow. No one in the three worlds of moving and non-moving creatures can withstand its force. Arjuna then waits for purification and stands before Shiva to receive the mantra. Lord Shiva gave his weapon to Arjuna and it then waited upon him just as it waited upon lord Shiva himself. When the celestial saw the fearful weapon standing in its embodied form by Arjuna’s side the earth trembled and terrible winds blew in all directions thousands of conscious and trumpets were heard resounding in the sky this was such a divine weapon that its possession made Arjuna invincible.

Thank you so much for reading this story. If you want to hear such stories of the epic Mahabharata, subscribe my medium channel and share these blogs among your friends.



Shushant Pudasaini

AI Enthusiast, Religion and mythology enthusiast,, noob blogger, loves football, tv series and movies