Blog2: How did I get started with Haiku operating system as a Open Source Software!

Sushil Verma
4 min readMay 12, 2019


Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku is fast, simple to use, easy to learn and yet very powerful.

During my fourth semester of my college days, I was introduced to the Operating System course as a curriculum of an academy. I was very fascinated by this course. As I started learning more about Operating System in depth it revealed many interesting facts.

If you are not aware of the term what is this operating system! then let me introduce you a small definition of an Operating System “An operating system(OS) is a computer program that manages the computer hardware. It basically is a program which creates the base for other application programs to run. A operating system can be seen as an abstraction over computer hardware. It is the main interface between the user and the computer hardware.”

General view of Operating System

I won’t bore you much about teaching Operating System. I guess, everyone has come across this word and at least once in their life every-one have experienced this word “Operating System” through Windows, Linux, Apple Mac OS, Android, etc and many more.

It was during this semester that I wanted to taste the Open Source as a beginner. Well, there are many Open Source Operating System, some are pretty good and some are very difficult to begin as a beginner in this field. For e.g, React OS, Linux Kernel, Haiku OS, etc., and many more.

I decided to make my journey with Haiku OS. Why did I choose specifically this platform to begin with? Why not the other one? Yeah, I guess these questions may come to anyone’s mind. I will try to answer these questions in detail if I am capable from my point of experience. Well, Everyone is different in this world and I guess everyone has their own choice and taste. Likewise, everyone skills are also different from each other. For e.g, I choose to write codes in Modern C++(C++11, C++14). I believe I am good at writing codes in modern C++. But I am still progressing everyday with it.

While learning Object Oriented Programming Concepts Using Modern C++ language and library, I got interested in contributing some open source code and finally I found one of the Organization which is Haiku OS. Haiku source code is written in C and modern C++ which I am quite familiar with it and loves to read source code, modify it and would love to develop applications. When I read some of the source code of Haiku, it helped me to understand device driver concepts and working methodology of big applications like web browser, Bluetooth, etc of Haiku OS.

Now, this brings to an one more interesting question. What is Haiku OS? So I think, let me introduce to this Operating system which is HAIKU OS.

Integrated operating system for personal computers

HAIKU is an open source operating system currently in development. Specifically targeting personal computing, Haiku is a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn, and yet very powerful system for computer users of all levels. Additionally, Haiku offers something over other open source platforms which is quite unique: The project consists of a single team writing everything from the kernel, drivers, userland services, tool kit, and graphics stack to the included desktop applications and preflets. While numerous open source projects are utilized in Haiku, they are integrated seamlessly. This allows Haiku to achieve a level of consistency that provides many conveniences, and is truly enjoyable to use by both end-users and developers alike.

Follow the link below to get started and explore your opportunities with Haiku OS.

If you get stuck ask questions on IRC channel and Mailing started, there are many people out there to help you out.

This is how I started with Haiku OS and I am working on Bluetooth Project in Haiku Inc. as a Open Source Developer. To Learn more about my project checkout my next blog. :)

