We Are Shuttlestack Studios

Shuttlestack Studios
3 min readMay 13, 2019


Hi we are Shuttlestack Studios, a software development studio based in the heart of New York City, building products and strategies for enterprises, small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs. We started off as Shuttlestack, a small development firm building websites and apps for entrepreneurs with an idea. That was the past.

Who Is Shuttlestack Studios?

We are a tight-knit team of developers, business strategist, project managers, and designers. We don’t like to categorize ourselves as “freelancers”, we try to do more than just add content to a WordPress template in less than a week.

We are goal setters, rule breakers, relationship creators, and navigators.

We create relationships, the type of relationship that goes out for a night of celebration when we hit a milestone. We want our partnerships to be long-term, spanning over years and years to come.

We don’t want to stick to the status quo of your average development firm.

We navigate businesses and generate hundreds of thousands in sales and revenue for our customers.

We set goals that we spend each and every day working to reach.

Why Are You Rebranding?

Shuttlestack Studios is growing rapidly. We receive close-to 13 projects a month, 4–6 meetings a week, and 20–30 emails regarding a future project, each month. We’ve outgrown our old brand and wanted to start with a fresh new look. With our new logo, we wanted to show that we’ve evolved. We want our new brand to feel intelligent, with our primary color being a nice marigold and our secondary color being a bold black. We wanted a serif font on our website, which feels wiser.

Mostly, we wanted to appeal to the eye, more than most.

Old Logo (left) New Logo (right)

What’s Next For Shuttlestack Studios?

We have a new website launching on June 20th. We have migrated our tools and switched up our companies stack.

We are moving into our brand-new headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.

We are working on recruiting developers and strategist from around the world in the next few months.

We are building an in-house tool to make our process much-more easier for our customers.

We are working with enterprises that generate millions in annual revenue and employ 100+ employees.

We are trying to build the future, and we are happy to bring you along.



Shuttlestack Studios

Shuttlestack Studios builds high-quality applications and websites for enterprises, small businesses, startups, and developers.