What is P2P Crypto Trading?

3 min readJan 30, 2023


One of the common terms used by those who are new to the industry is “P2P crypto trading.” As a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, Bitcoin laid the groundwork for the future of money. However, as the sector develops, an increasing number of individuals enter the market and refine the concept of cryptocurrencies. Similar changes have been made to P2P cryptocurrency trading to increase its security and reliability.

What is Crypto P2P Trading?

Buyers and sellers contact each other directly in peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency transactions to trade cryptocurrencies. Also known as over-the-counter (OTC) trading. The idea of ​​peer-to-peer transactions was first proposed by an anonymous person or group of people named Satoshi Nakamoto in the bitcoin white paper. The white paper conveys the message of an ecosystem that does not require intermediaries. However, this model can easily be stolen. Having a P2P cryptocurrency transaction platform can make cryptocurrencies easier to use and build trust. That’s why NavExM works to facilitate secure transactions by matching buy and sell orders.

Benefits of NavExM P2P

Secured NavExM Escrow Account

NavExM Escrow will facilitate the transaction. Sellers must transfer the cryptocurrencies they wish to sell to a NavExM escrow account. After the buyer makes a successful payment, the cryptocurrency will be released. NavExM escrow accounts ensure that transactions are completed without problems or fraud. Also, if the buyer does not pay the required amount, the cryptocurrency will be returned to the seller.

Freedom to Choose Your Own Price

The main advantage of P2P cryptocurrency trading is that you can set your own prices. Buyers can choose from many options. The flexibility to choose your own price and the availability of multiple options is beneficial for both buyers and sellers.

Zero Transaction Fees

Unlike traditional cryptocurrency exchanges, NavExM P2P charges almost no transaction fees. In addition, P2P participants will receive more value from the assets than they expected.

Easy Conversion from INR Fiat to Crypto

NavExM includes INR to Crypto function for P2P transactions. Indian users can easily buy the most popular and tradable cryptocurrencies on NavExM P2P using INR. Also, the exchange offers various payment options for transactions including Paytm, Google Pay, UPI, IMPS and NEFT.

Fast Trade Settlement

NavExM offers the fastest trade settlement. After the order is matched, the buyer must pay within 15 minutes, ensuring a smooth transaction.

Arbitrage Opportunity on P2P

P2P trading is also conducive to arbitrage trading. Traders buy crypto assets from P2P cryptocurrency exchanges at lower prices. With zero or very low transaction fees on P2P exchanges, the cost of buying is further reduced. The same cryptocurrency can be sold at a higher price on another cryptocurrency exchange. However, users should execute trades as quickly as possible, as arbitrage options change very quickly.

Bottom Line

NavExM P2P is coming soon, you can experience the next generation of cryptocurrency trading. Peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency trading is one of the easiest ways to exchange cryptocurrencies. It is more suitable for beginners. Also, if it is done after the analysis, it can pay very well in a very short period of time. However, pricing your cryptocurrency close to the market price is important to attract buyers.

