11 Time Saving Tools for Busy Bloggers

Shweta Saxena
5 min readMar 2, 2019


Do you wish you had more hours in a day? Do you desperately need a VA but don’t have enough bucks to spend? Do you think you have too many irons in the fire and have no time for any? Then this article is for you. I have a list of tools that can save your time, bucks and your bu**s (10 points for those who guessed it right). While most of the tools are free, I won’t recommend a paid tool unless I have used it and convinced with its utility. We have already discussed the hecks to become a prolific blogger, now read on the list of time-saving Tools for busy bloggers like you.

Time-saving tools for busy bloggers

Writing Tools

1- Google Docs

The biggest reason I use Google Docs is that I use Mac and MS Word doesn’t work well for me. But, given an option, I would never return back to Word for the love I have for Google doc now. The easy access toolbar, the voice to text feature, I fell for every element of it. Yes, it’s a productivity tool you can use it to write an article in a swoop. Check out the detailed comparison of Google Doc and MS Word here.

2- Stay Focused

This free Chrome extension can help you write with focused attention by blocking all nonsense sites you waste time on. Works well when your monkey mind is not listening to you, and you have to make the shit happen. Read a detailed article on how you can set it.

Editing Tools

3- Grammarly

This is the tool I have been paying for since the time I wasn’t even earning from my website. I hope you must be using the free version at least; it’s that popular a tool. I don’t need to write much here. Consider buying the paid version if you miss a comma here, an article there, or sounds repetitive a lot. You can avoid making punctuation, grammatical, contextual errors. It becomes super handy if you outsource content writing. It does the plagiarism check for you. PS: It’s just a tool I have caught it wrong many times so don’t trust blindly.

4- Hemmingway

You require a good reading score not just for SEO but your audience as well. Hemmingway is again a free tool that checks your sentence length, passive voice and adverbs.

Social Media Promotion Tools

5- Canva

You need to create images optimised for different channels you’ll be promoting on. Different sizes work on different platforms:

Facebook: 940×788 px

Pinterest: 735×1102 px

Instagram: 1080×1080

Twitter: 1024×512 px

No, you don’t have to cram them all. Just go to Canva (free tool) and build your super-awesome images with pre-built templates.
Check out this super helpful post on how to use one image for multiple social media sharing.

6- Buffer

You know the 20–80 rule of content marketing? Forget who gave it. What matters is what it is. It is to create 20% of the time and promote 80% of the time. But, this tool can squeeze the robot task of promoting your work and let you do more of what you love- Create.

The significant difference in the free and the paid one is –

1- With a Free plan you can connect only three social media channels and with the paid one you can go up to 8. I believe in concentrating on ⅔ platforms and doing good there rather than being on every platform and spreading yourself too thin.

2- The free plan doesn’t give you the option to connect your Pinterest profile.

So, if you’re not doing Pinterest marketing, you again need not pay. Even if you’re doing, I would suggest something else.

This brings me to the next point:

7- Pinterest Marketing

I’m soon going to write a detailed post on this, but for now, I wanna tell you how amazed I am to see the results from Pinterest marketing. Have a look at my recent pin that has got more than 20k impressions on Pinterest and sending daily traffic to my website.

Follow me on Pinterest to see what I’m pinning.

Pinterest can work equally well for you if you use the right tool. I use tailwind to schedule my pins. And, I am truly blown away by the results.

8- Learn Faster

I call myself a hustler. You can read it as- I don’t spend money if I think I can do the job by learning the damn thing. So, a significant portion of my day is spent in learning. Coming to the point- increase the speed of your video and beat the pace of your instructor. Simply go to the settings button, click on the speed and choose 1.25 or 1.5 whichever suits you.

9- Feedly

Be the first few ones to check out what your favourite bloggers are posting. Make head-turning comments that add top-up value to the article. This is the best way to build a relationship with micro-influencers and get climb up the chart of their favourite followers. Also, you can quickly curate content for your social media posts with Feedly.

10- Planner

This is another secret I have discovered recently that has blown my mind by the impact it has on my productivity. Which planner do I use? Well, I researched a lot on the internet but couldn’t find the one that would have all the pages I need to keep track of, plus it should look good. So, I designed my own. Here’s a sneak peek to it:

11- Wacom

This is my new friend who helps me create illustrations fast with precision. I am loving the experience. You should only consider buying it if you use Adobe Illustrator a lot, for your clients or your own blog.

Do share in comments what works for you? What are the tools that you use to squeeze every ounce of your productivity?


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