Chaldean Nimerology


3 min readSep 6, 2023

In a world where numbers often serve as more than just mathematical symbols, it’s no surprise that various forms of numerology have captivated the human imagination for centuries. Chaldean Numerology, a lesser-known branch of this mystical art, offers a unique and fascinating perspective on the relationship between numbers and our lives. In this article, we’ll delve into the origins, principles, and practical applications of Chaldean Numerology, shedding light on this enigmatic system that has intrigued both scholars and spiritual seekers alike.

The Origins of Chaldean Numerology

Chaldean Numerology derives its name from the Chaldeans, an ancient civilization that thrived in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 600 BC. This numerical system is said to have been practiced by the Chaldean sages, who believed that numbers held profound mystical significance and could reveal hidden truths about the universe and the individual.

Principles of Chaldean Numerology

At its core, Chaldean Numerology is based on the belief that every letter of the alphabet is associated with a specific numerical value. Unlike other numerological systems, Chaldean Numerology assigns different values to certain letters, making it quite distinct. The Chaldean alphabet assigns values as follows:

  1. A = 1
  2. B = 2
  3. C = 3
  4. D = 4
  5. E = 5
  6. U = 6
  7. O = 7
  8. F = 8
  9. I = 9
  10. K = 10
  11. G = 11
  12. M = 13
  13. H = 14
  14. V = 15
  15. Z = 16
  16. P = 17
  17. J = 18
  18. R = 19
  19. L = 20
  20. T = 21
  21. N = 22
  22. W = 23
  23. X = 24
  24. Y = 25
  25. Q = 26

In Chaldean Numerology, the numbers 1 to 8 are considered particularly significant, with each number associated with distinct attributes and characteristics.

  1. The Leader: Number 1 is often associated with leadership, ambition, and innovation.
  2. The Peacemaker: Number 2 represents diplomacy, cooperation, and harmony.
  3. The Creative Communicator: Number 3 embodies creativity, self-expression, and optimism
  4. The Organizer: Number 4 signifies discipline, order, and practicality.
  5. The Adventurer: Number 5 is linked to freedom, change, and versatility.
  6. The Nurturer: Number 6 reflects love, responsibility, and compassion.
  7. The Spiritual Seeker: Number 7 denotes spirituality, introspection, and wisdom.
  8. The Business Mind: Number 8 symbolizes power, authority, and success.

Applications of Chaldean Numerology

Chaldean Numerology can be applied in various aspects of life, including:

  1. Name Analysis: Individuals often seek Chaldean Numerologists to analyze their names for insights into their personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses.
  2. Business and Career: Entrepreneurs and professionals use Chaldean Numerology to select auspicious names for businesses, or to determine career paths based on their life path numbers.
  3. Compatibility: Chaldean Numerology can also be used to assess the compatibility between individuals in personal and professional relationships.
  4. Decision Making: People often turn to Chaldean Numerology for guidance when making important life decisions, such as marriage or investment choices.
  5. Self-Discovery: Many individuals find self-discovery and personal growth through Chaldean Numerology, as it provides a unique perspective on their inner selves.


Chaldean Numerology, with its roots in ancient Mesopotamia, offers a distinctive approach to understanding the influence of numbers on our lives. Whether you’re seeking self-discovery, guidance, or simply intrigued by the mystique of numbers, Chaldean Numerology provides a unique lens through which to explore the hidden facets of your existence. While it may not be a science in the traditional sense, its enduring popularity serves as a testament to the enduring fascination of humanity with the esoteric and the unknown.




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