The schmuck that molested me was at a party I was invited to

It’s a small world, but a dirtbag will always be a dirtbag

Shweta Chettiar
6 min readDec 30, 2021

Story warning — In this share I have used a number of offensive words, please excuse me. I wrote this with so much anger and disgust in my chest. A true reflection of my feelings at the moment.

Last evening, after an entire day of productivity, shopping, groceries and catching up with friends and family, I took a tram from the city to my partner's place. It wasn’t even 5 minutes in, I got a call from a friend inviting me to her house party that she claimed would be so much fun, and that it was a last minute decision to have a party. She asked me to invite some of my friends too. So after the call, I dial a conference call to my close friends and invite them to this party. All were happy to join except my partner as he had worked that day and had work the next morning too. I respect that, so didn’t push him too hard to join.

So my close girlfriend picks me up, and we start our journey to the party house. On the way, she was telling me about her recent dates and how they went. She mentioned this one guy who lives near the city and had invited her to his apartment. She said it was an okay date and nothing intimate happened. I asked why would she not at the least kiss this guy, to which she said, “Don’t know, I just didn’t feel like kissing him”. We had a good laugh about it and continued talking all things girly. As we were approaching the party house, I was mentally preparing myself to have a wonderful time at this party. I mean, there’s no harm, it will be chill and I will meet some new people here. It’s within my comfort zone, and I am surrounded by my friends anyway, so I am sure it will be a good evening.

So we enter the room and look for the host, there weren’t many people in the house party yet. I was all smiling and in a happy mood. I spotted the host and as I was about to step close to greet her, a person pops up in front of me and extends his hand to introduce himself. All this happened so quick, for a moment I didn’t realise what had happened. The person was so up close making eye contact, shaking my hand & introducing himself. I jolted back and said, “I know you”. And before I could say any further or react, another person jumped in to introduce himself, while this scumbag swiftly moves away to shake hands with my friend. I was instantly upset, I could feel a chilling sensation all around my body, I felt the hairs on my back stand up. Flashbacks of the day I met him first came back to life. I stood there for a second, thinking to myself, what is this MOLESTER doing here, and how he has the audacity to come and shake hands with me as if nothing had happened. Soon enough, I was interrupted by my host friend who came to greet me.

As I was talking to the host and trying to ignore this pr*ck was in the room, I could sense he was watching me. Watching me to see if I was telling anything about him to the host or my friend.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Minutes later, I grabbed my bestie’s hand and took her to an empty room away from that scumbag. I told her that he had sexually molested me in the past and how uncomfortable I was feeling. I was dumbstruck when she responded that the molester was the same guy she went on a date recently. She added, he is the guy who lives in the city and had invited her to his apartment. I had a very ambivalent response. I laughed in shock at the coincidence and felt absolutely disgusted and uncomfortable to be in the same room as the pig.

When the host friend came looking for us, I dragged her into the empty room and told her everything about this molester. I showed her the chats with the pervert molester where I had confronted him for his absolutely disgusting actions, and showed her that I have blocked him on every social platform. I was sweating but was cold and shaking. My best friend was instantly supportive and was holding me firmly, trying to comfort me to the best of her ability. However, the host friend did momentarily sympathise with how I was feeling, but she really wanted me to stay and was convincing me to stay. What really surprised me is that she (the host) refused to take any further action other than making sure her party goes on. She said she is going to pretend that she knows nothing about the incident and is going to act normal and as usual around the pervert, which happens to be her husband’s close friend.

Even though I was encouraged by my friends to ignore him and enjoy the party, I just couldn’t. I was so conscious, extremely uncomfortable and upset all night. There were so many instances the pervert molester tried coming close to me and have a conversation like nothing had happened. Imagine how uncomfortable I was feeling.

A little about this mentally sick narcissistic pervert molester. This guy is a douchebag. He reminds me of the quote, “Empty vessels make more noise”. The entire night, this guy tried to be the centre of attention. He hijacked the TV to play his boring songs via his phone and was break dancing in every corner of the room. He was going on and on about how “rich” he is and how he will have the best NYE fireworks view from his apartment. Furthermore, he was boasting he has drugs like mushrooms on his possession. He even went around the room offering this dried out mushroom drug to every single person, including me. I literally shoo’ed him away without making eye contact when he approached me with the drug. He was trying to act super cool and the “best” in the party. He was so full of himself all up his stinky ass. All his behaviour was annoying me immensely & I kept thinking to myself, “what the fu*k. This low life bottom dwelling sh*t worm had the audacity to walk around & come close to me as if nothing had happened.”

Vision 20/20, I think I should have warned him upfront when he shook my hands, that he better stay away from me. Although I am seeing him after over 2 years since the incident occurred, and he was left off the hook by my partner after having a man to man chat with him, followed by blocking him on every social platform. It seems like yesterday and this shameless guy still carries the same attitude and I guess he always will. I am glad I didn’t make a scene at the party, but I regret not confronting him again and warning him to stay away from me. What would you have done in this situation?

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

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Shweta Chettiar

A peak into an ambivert's life 😶‍🌫️ I write about life in Melbourne, how I grew & continue to grow, life perspectives & colourism