White Bread VS Wheat Bread

Shweta Kapoor
3 min readNov 30, 2018

Which is the better choice?

Bread may not be the staple food of India, but on a global level, it is consumed by billions. A lot of times we may have heard that wheat bread is superior to white bread. Have you ever wondered why? Let us help you with this and clear the doubt once and for all.

What is the difference?

The main distinguishing difference between these two breads is in the manner of processing. Both are made from the same wheat grain, which essentially has 3 parts:

● The bran (which constitutes the outer layer)

● The germ (the innermost area)

● The endosperm (the starchy part in between them)

Cross Section of Wheat Grain

When it comes to bread made from Whole Wheat Atta, all three layers are intact; the Bran, the Germ and the Endosperm.

The wheat grain used to prepare White bread, on the other hand, is stripped off of the bran and the germ leaving only the endosperm. This is deficient of nutrients and contains only the starchy component that gives white bread its delicious taste.

Doughy Fact

The traditional bagel is the only bread product that is boiled before it is baked.

Based on our current understanding, let us look at the pros and cons of both bread variants.

White Bread

Looking at consumption prevalence, White Bread wins over its counterpart.


● One can find white bread in almost all stores. It tastes good and is affordable.

● To compensate for the lack of nutrients, white bread is often fortified with other compositions of the likes of like iron, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and folic acid.


● By now, you must have guessed that white bread is nutritionally, not a sound food.

● The flour is deprived of the barn and the germ, it is low in fiber and rich in carbohydrates that can cause a spike in blood glucose levels and cause weight gain.

Wheat Bread

This variant is less popular compared to White bread but is gradually gaining pace in terms of health.


● Consuming wheat bread is a healthy practice since the nutritional integrity is maintained throughout processing, thereby retaining the vitamins and minerals.

● Bread made from whole wheat is loaded with the fiber content that is healthy for the digestive system and aids weight loss.


● Since Wheat bread has mostly healthy characteristics, the issue that remains is its availability across stores.

● Wheat bread is also usually more expensive as compared to white bread.

It is now clear that Wheat bread is healthier than White bread, provided it is made using Aashirvaad whole wheat atta. Here is a recipe to make sure your next loaf of wheat bread is spongy, tasty, healthy and full of nutrition.

Along with the traditional Chakki method, all atta variants of Aashirvaad use a 4-step cleaning process so that you can prepare the best dough of Wheat Bread. Find out more about our range of healthy attas here.

