How React is transforming the web and mobile development

Shweta Pal
3 min readFeb 17, 2016



Starting with React:

Launching React resulted quite impressive growth including Facebook as well as outside even. These days maximum projects in Facebook are built using React. The reason behind using React is it enables engineers to focus more on the products rather than struggling with the frameworks.

React enables to break the applications into distinct components which represent single view. The benefit to use react is the available components make it easy to iterate on products if some changes made in any part as we don’t bother about the entire system.

As we know React is not an MVC, its a library to build composable UI’s. Generally web application UI’s are built using HTML directives or templates but React uses fully featured programming language to render views.

In JavaScript applications, if the data changes then we need to make change in the DOM even for updating it. While in React the render method is called when the component is first initialized.

My team developed ‘Ani React.js Theme’ based on React that provides ready to use widgets, inbuilt charts, login, profile, invoice and many more pages.

React Native:

React Native is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook and Instagram used for creating native mobile applications. Its a semi hybrid mobile framework. Its the latest developed open source framework that permits to write iOS and Android applications using JSX (which looks like HTML tags in JavaScript, though they are pure JS function calls).

‘Learn once, Write anywhere’ is the appropriate statement to define React Native. In technical aspect it means codes that refer to iOS cannot be used for Android and vice-versa as both have different design patterns, layout flow, components.

Need of React Native:

  1. It provides developers the ease to access platform specific UI components (maps, date pickers, navigation stacks).
  2. It provides a sophisticated threading model which is not available in web.
  3. Good speed.
  4. Auto-updation during the changes made in the platform.

Adequate time needed for creating native mobile applications, but its worth to remove the limitations from web and moving ahead with mobile platforms.

Another product developed by my team “Native-Starter-Pro” using React Native. Our product provides Fully customizable pages with everything you need from SignUp/Login, Inbox, Contacts to Settings and rich collection of UI elements.

For new applications React Native uses special X code or Android SDK container. Whenever developers load codes, React code is fed into the JavaScript run-time asynchronously connecting with the main thread.

React Native uses native architecture and concept. It doesn’t require web view. It offers better development experience with faster loading rate as there is no need to follow compilation step.

It involves CSS Flex-box for layout design and also gives excellent error reporting.


Facebook made React Native open source so everyone can use and that too even for free. Working together makes everything easy and developers can master new ideas by using this framework efficiently and effectively.

About StrapUI:

We build amazing admin dashboard themes using AngularJS, React.js, Meteor, Laravel, Material Design, HTML as well as mobile apps, starter kits built using React-Native, Phone Gap. For more details please visit the link.

