How to check egg is real or not?

Shyamoli Purkait
4 min readApr 20, 2023
Daily NECC Egg Rate Update

Have you ever wondered if the eggs you bought at the store were real or fake? Due to the prevalence of fake eggs on the market, it could be challenging to determine whether an egg is real or not. We’ll show you how to distinguish a real egg from a fake one in this post so you can be sure the eggs you use in your meals are of the highest quality.

What Are Fake Eggs?

Before learning how to recognise fake eggs, let’s first define what they are. Fake eggs are ones that seem like real eggs but are really made of artificial materials. These counterfeit eggs are typically made with chemicals, food colouring, and other ingredients that mimic the taste and feel of real eggs.

How to check egg is real or not?

Now that you are aware of what fake eggs are, let’s look at how to tell if an egg is real or fake. Here are some tips and tricks for spotting phoney eggs:

1. Check the Shell

One of the simplest ways to tell if an egg is genuine is to examine its shell. Real eggs have porous, rather rough eggshells, whereas artificial eggs have a smooth, shiny surface. The egg can also be tested for authenticity by tapping it on a hard surface. Compared to a real egg, which sounds bland, a fake egg will sound more metallic.

2. Check the Yolk and Egg White

You may also tell whether an egg is fake by looking at the white and yolk. Real egg yolks are spherical and plump, in contrast to the uniform shape and excessive perfection of manufactured egg yolks. Real egg whites are thin and watery, in contrast to fake egg whites that are typically overly thick and jelly-like.

3. Do a Water Test

You may also use a water test to determine if an egg is real or fake. The egg needs to be properly positioned in a water-filled plate. While the real egg will sink to the dish’s bottom, the fake egg will float. This is due to the frequent use of chemicals in the production of synthetic eggs, which causes them to have a lower density than natural eggs.

4. Smell the Egg

Real eggs smell different, however synthetic eggs can have no scent at all. If you’re not sure if an egg is real, take a smell. If it smells like an egg, it’s most likely genuine.

5. Crack the Egg

After that, the egg may be opened to determine if it is real or not. Real eggs will have a thick, viscous egg white in contrast to fake eggs, which usually have thin, watery egg whites. You may also examine the egg white and yolk for any unusual colours or textures.

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Daily NECC Egg Rate Update

Why Are Fake Eggs a Problem?

Now that you know how to spot fake eggs, let’s talk about the problems with them. Eating artificial eggs poses a risk since they are typically produced using harmful chemicals. They can also be a financial waste because they are usually sold for the same price as real eggs.


Knowing how to tell if an egg is real or fake is essential if you want to be sure you’re using the best eggs in your meals. Don’t forget to examine the egg’s shell, yolk, and white in addition to doing a water test and smelling it to determine whether it is real or false. It is advisable to avoid eating a suspect egg and report it to the appropriate authorities.

Q. Can fake eggs harm you?

Ans: Yes, since they are frequently produced with chemicals that are hazardous to ingest, imitation eggs can be toxic.

Q. Can you tell if an egg is fake by looking at the packaging?

Ans: No, a quick glance at the box will not reveal whether an egg is phoney. To tell if an egg is real or artificial, it’s preferable to utilise the methods described in this article.

Q. Are fake eggs more affordable than real eggs?

Ans: Since fake eggs are not authentic, they are frequently marketed for the same price as actual eggs, which can be a waste of money.

Q. Can fake eggs taste the same as real eggs?

Ans: Fake eggs are frequently created to replicate the flavour and consistency of genuine eggs, but they don’t taste the same.

Q. Is there a way to prevent buying fake eggs?

Ans: Purchasing eggs from trusted brands and suppliers is one approach to avoid purchasing fake ones. In order to tell if an egg is real or fake, it’s also critical to exercise caution and apply the advice provided in this article.

