Don’t be like Bob

heavy bags and weak hands? You need to read this

Aaron Foster
3 min readDec 14, 2017


Bob buys a good token.

All the other random tokens are pumping except Bob’s.

Bob sells his token to buy one of the ones that are pumping.

Bob's pumped coin dumps 30%

Bob first token takes off on a six month bull run

Everyone is rich except Bob.

Don’t be like Bob.

I spend quite a bit of time in crypto communities across the usual channels and recently I've noticed a lot more Bobs.

It’s easy to understand why. Bitcoin approaching $20,000 and all the pumps it fuels has him gripped with that all too natural but destructive emotion. FOMO.

It's easy to laugh at Bob but it's not really funny. This is real money we're talking about. Money that can potentially change him and his family's life forever.

Bob always blames someone else when his gambles don’t go his way. (Yes bob, you’re gambling not investing or trading). He thought he was going to 10x his BTC in a few months. But now he is down against Bitcoin and FUDing the community channel.

The reason Bob is constantly getting REKT is not because the devs are dumping or the Whales are manipulating the market or any other conspiracy.

It's because he is trying to flip and trade, and has had NO IDEA WHAT HE DOING.

Bob Stop, just stop.

Now Bob. I'm not telling you to not invest in tokens nor am I advocating for you to buy any. But if you do decide to invest in a project, make it a project you believe in.

Invest in projects you believe are going to impact billions of people within the next 10 years. Do your due diligence. Invest in open teams that are accessible. speak to all the people building the technology, get to know them personally.

If they don’t give you access or you don’t like them. Don’t invest.

And let me be clear about what I mean by investing. I don't just mean your crypto, although this is important. But I'll come back to that.

Understand your most valuable investment is your attention. Learn everything you can about your project. Why is their mission so important? How are they going to achieve it?

When you do this the current price becomes irrelevant. If it’s up your happy, if down you can increase your stake at prices you consider a barging.

And be sensible with your crypto. Your project probably has a good chance of failure. DO NOT INVEST ALL YOUR CRYPTO IN IT. In fact, most of your portfolio should be in coins/tokens that have the highest chance of absorbing an increase of the total crypto market cap. Without recommending any in particular these are usually the top 10 on CMC.

Now I don’t really care if you want to take my advice or not. But please do us all a favor and stop FUDing your community channel.

Ps. If you know a Bob, please share this with him.

