Bridge Protocol KYC Complete and Token Sale Information

Stephen Hyduchak
1 min readFeb 19, 2018


In less than 7 hours, we received 10’s of thousands of whitelist signups from all over the world. We were truly humbled by the amount of community support we received!

The Bridge Protocol has now completed the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process for whitelist subscribers. Eligibility status is available immediately on your Bridge dashboard. We have also released the instructions for the token sale on February 22nd 2018.

Bridge takes KYC and compliance seriously; many did not qualify for the token sale. Socure was used for compliance and looked at parameters like terrorism, money laundering and global watch-lists.

We look forward to serving the community and making the ICO process safer, smarter and more compliant for everyone.



Stephen Hyduchak

Blockchain, Identity Verification and AI keep me up at night. CEO of Bridge Protocol and Aver.